Profile For J Mike

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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    12 years, 8 months ago

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Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Dumb question about prescription glasses

Hey Zen,

How do the slim lenses work for you now?

I'm not a driver yet but start school on Monday. A few years ago, I had a pair of glasses that were about 1 1/8" top to bottom. The way they sat on my face, I had to tilt my head down to see pretty much everything that was below eye level. I hated them - I even had to tilt my head to read the speedometer in my car, I couldn't just move my eyes. My current pair has lenses that are about 1 3/16" top to bottom and they are great. I don't think the extra 1/16" is the whole difference, I think some of it is how the lens is positioned in relation to your eye.

I just saw the eye doctor earlier this week and ordered a new set of frames. After trying on several pair and starting to narrow down my choices, I paid attention to what I could see through the glasses and what I could see peripherally and where the frames where in my field of vision. The thick plastic frames seem to be coming back into style, but I chose a metal frame because I don't like having that thicker frame in my vision. Perhaps I would quickly get used to it - my sunglasses are more like that and it's never bothered me there.

Be sure to discuss your concerns and driving career, my doctor and staff were fantastic about informing me of the different options and working with me to get glasses that I like and fit my needs. Of course, the windshield-size lenses from the 80's will eventually come back into style. I don't remember the frames being in my field of vision, but they were relatively heavy and were much more likely to slide down my nose.

Posted:  11 years, 5 months ago

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Just set my new mileage record!

Sounds like a busy month. Is that 13,000 total miles or 13,000 paid miles plus more unpaid miles?

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