Newark , DE
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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It's community college CDL program through my job they offer education after one year in the company but about the unload it's not shelves it's only drop the boxes in the store or outside if they not there and you have no way to enter the store... in general I wish I find something else then the dollar tree but if I have to start the career choice now and get the training I need so I can ask for better things later right now as a new driver I have nothing from the experience that can back me up to look for something better...( that's what I think and I'm still waiting to see your opinion because it does matter but I also wanna know.. are this money they promise is true or lies... my job now is warehouse so working with the items and stock is normal for me if that the only way to get start in good career but also the name I mentioned here are they all good in what they say or no
Are you in a private school now? If so, any company that hires you will require several weeks of OTR training some will be team training others like CFI will train as solo. Solo training means your trainer is in the passenger seat while you drive. Team training means your trainer sleeps while you drive and vise versa. You will also start at a lower training pay and get more pay as you go. At CFI you will go from training pay of 26 CPM through several raises during your first year to 42 CPM.
We do not recommend Dollar General (DG) or Dollar Tree (DT) account for new drivers because in addition to learning to drive and back, you have to hand unload the truck and stock the shelves in the store.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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My friend just start his training last week and the pay was 480$ and I'm not doing tanker no I applied for furniture account and my friend the same also when the recruiter come to us in the class to talk about the Schneider he said 560 but my friend find something different that's why I'm asking also about the other company's
Schneider offered training with 560$ a week for only three weeks but it turned out that they only pay 480$ a week and 6 weeks training 3 of them in class
Were you trying to become a tanker driver? Because their dryvan training is only 3 weeks not including school. Because the dryvan training is two weeks of classroom/yard training/ driving around town and one week OTT with a trainer.
I was actually paid $560 weekly during training before taxes of course.
This is my first full week of training, not the first week.
Take home pay was a little low due to my cash advance and taxes:
But I was getting paid what I was told, which is before taxes.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Hello everyone I know you may have spoken about this before but I'm kinda confused because the a lot of things going on specifically what I'm asking again now so please give me your best advice here .... I have no experience so I have applied with a lot of companies and I got some offers but I don't know which is liars and which is true honest offer... Schneider offered training with 560$ a week for only three weeks but it turned out that they only pay 480$ a week and 6 weeks training 3 of them in class I don't know why I have to do home work and be in class for 11 hours a day then test then hit the road to learn what I'm really wanted to learn which is driven and experienced with the truck... Second is us Express offers three weeks training all in the road right away with same as Schneider for training pay and home every weekend... Then Warner offered 650$ a week but in the road for 4 to 6 weeks then work be home weekly..... Be advised all of them have general dollars accounts but Warner said I can choose to touch and make more or no touch and be as 55k a year granted all of them have the same range.... I give the money range because I'm sure other new Drivers here will hear the same numbers and they wanna know are these numbers for real can be made for new Drivers or no I wanna know what can prevent a driver from making this money is that because they stop and break a lot more than what they supposed to get .... My instructor told me you can make this if you make your quick restroom and coffee stops every two or three hours fast and not more than 10 to 15 minutes until you get your 30 minutes break so please excuse my long post but I'm sure you feel my thinking pain right now I have a family and I don't wanna make a wrong step and then be sorry... Thank you again
Posted: 6 years, 4 months ago
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Hello every one I'm new to this field and someone told me that I'll find the best information and advise here from you guys ... i been looking into your posts here and i can see why every one else trust you for real because you know what you talking about from experience not just feeling or heard it from someone else.... so i hope that you can accept me between you here and give what make from me a good and safe driver without be unsafe to the rest of the road drivers.... i just got my CDL and also i got few offers to work some of them give me weekly home time and two just give me daily home time which is everyone is telling me to take that daily home but the problem here i live in Delaware and the company have account locate in Maryland like 20 minutes drive from where i live so what i wanna ask here do i get double tax for that state deferential .... also i been told that if i chose to work as weekly home time i'll not be tax double because i'm all over the road so plz guys can you explain that for me from your own experience i need to know before i sign or get to do anything and leave my current job ..... thank you so much
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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On my own in the road
Hello everyone... now after all your advices to me I picked up Schneider and I have successfully done my training and thanks to you all I was one of the best students in the training in class room and during the truck over the road and all of that because of the advice and guidelines you talked about it here now I got my own truck and ready to roll out this Sunday but i faced a little problem......😠the truck I have is 2015 frightliner cascadia its great one I have no problem with it but I'll be on the road for at least a week I'm not use to make all my daily meals from fast food restaurants may lunch is fine but breakfast and small dinner I believe I can do that in the truck my self just like my TE from Schneider thought me but he have power inverter in his truck and I'm not and I asked the shop guys and they said my truck model is not one of this trucks that can have it I don't know if they just been lazy or that's true but i can't argue that now i still new guy must approve my self in work first then ask for things... so I need your experience with that what should I do to get my small coffee maker I bought from Walmart and microwave to get them work fine in the shop they told me to get something that now more than 180 watt and the must be running when I'm using it so what is your recommendation here for me the coffee machine I got was my friend recommend for me it's 10$ but it's electronic power plug so what I should do to try to make my road time ok without stopping every time to buy hot drink or get some oatmeal ..... I'm sorry I make it big but I'm sure you'll understand my situation here since must of you got the same before.... Thank you for your help again