Profile For Logan T.

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Logan T.'s Bio

I drive dedicated for Swift. Been with them for a little over a year now. Got questions or considerin them give me a shout.

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Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Craziest places you've had to back into?

For me Norfolk, Va and Anaheim, Ca have been the 2 hardest places I've taken the show I'm on into. In Norfolk the arena that we played in had pillars and columns every 30 feet where we took the trailers. We had to nose the trailers in then back out. At some points we were backing blind and using only radios because we would have to fold in mirrors. Majority of blindside backing too.

Anaheim wasn't as bad it was a serpentine back into a blindside around a blind corner into the dock area and you either keep holding the blindside and just roll right into 3 docks along the wall or you straightened our and went straight back to two docks. I love my job and seeing a new city and arena every week and see what challenges they are going to bring because every arena will be a challenge wether it's parkint a 32 trailer show in their parking lot or having docks that a conventional tractor and a 53 foot box aren't supposed to fit in and making it work and getting in there without damage to truck/trailer or building.

Can't figure out how to attach pictures because they aren't on a website they are just saved to my photo album on phone but I got some pictures of Norfolk, Va if anyone wants to see.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Driving for entertainment company

I don't drive for a entertainment company, I drive for Swift but we have an account with Feld Entertainment called Tours and Trades. I and 3 other guys are dedicated drivers for a show called Marvel Universe Live. As of right now it is the largest show running in North America with 28 trailers. It is a live action stunt show. Swift also has on this account drivers that haul the Ringling Brothers Circus, Monster Jam, Disney on Ice, Frozen on Ice and Motorcross.

Getting into hauling entertainment the 2 big companies I see the most at arenas either leaving as we are coming in or coming in as we are leaving are Upstaging and Stagecall. Upstaging requires 5 years or 500k miles previous experience and Upstaging requires 2 years previous experience.

Hauling for a live show is a little different than say a concert. For Marvel we are at a location normally for a week where as a concert tour your there for one night. For Marvel when our last show is over on a Sunday night depending on the venue and how tight and hard the backing is we have between a 5-7 hour load out. Again we have 28 trailers. After that depending on how long it takes to get to the next venue we will take and start driving a little that night. Say it's a 700 mile trip to next venue. We will drive 200 miles through the night before we shut down and take a 10 and finally get sleep. Then as soon as our 10 is done we are gone again and normally pulling in around 1-2 in the morning Tuesday morning. When we get there we have to check to see if all our other trailers have made it and if not start calling and finding out where they are. After that if we aren't parking on site we go and find the quickest way to the arena and the quickest way back. Normally by this time it's prolly around 3-4 in the morning. Our first day load out starts at 6am so we might get an hour or 2 of shuteye. It's easier when we have parking at the venue.

Load in normally takes about 5 hours because the union workers get a hour break between unloading trailers. We unload 18-19 trailers the first day and the rest the 2nd day. First day stuff is all rigging and trusses, speakers, lighting, and stuff like that. Second day of load in we don't start till normally 11am and we are normally finished between 1300-1400. After that we set the first trailers to get loaded for load out and then we are done till Sunday for most of the time. They might have a P.R. Event that we haul some stuff too. Or they may want us to bring a trailer back over so they can store some stuff in. But most of the time after we finish with load in its time for sleep and to go play tourist in whatever city we are in.

Sunday comes around and the whole process starts all over again. It's fun, we work like hell Sunday through Tuesday but then we get a good break.

Another thing about these kind of accounts and companies that run shows and concerts like this is it's better to be single with no attachments. You would be looking at getting a divorce real quick doing something like this unless your old lady rides with you. Hometime is virtually non existent. I got on this account back before Halloween of 2014 and the first time I've been home was last week when the show came to Texas. Once the show leaves Texas I won't see my parents or brother and his wife for another 4 months. We had a cruise scheduled before I got on this account that I was already paying for. If it wasn't for that no telling when I would see them again. But it would be me flying home on my own bill to see them.

We have a lot of fun on the live show I haul for but its hard work when it's time to work I'm constantly dropping trailers into docks normally 10 or more a night. Plus helping getting the OTR drivers that get called in to help haul or show set straight.

I love it tho. I don't plan on going back to being a freight hauler anytime soon. This is to much fun and the stuff we see or do after we are done working during the week is fun.

Hope this helps, Logan

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Weatherman, it's hard for people to ask if your ok when they don't run CB's. I see fewer and fewer people not running CB's why I don't know. One of the reasons I assume is because all of the garbage that is spewed on Sesame Street (ch 19). I run mine the one day of the week I drive but I'm normally rolling with 2 other guys and we are on are own channel.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Trainer Blues

Red was this the same student I met when we had lunch in Indy?

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Have you ever wondered?

White swift freight shaker 153100 but if you see me at a truck stop more than likely its for a quick 10 hour break in the middle of the day. All my time is spent at stadiums and arenas. But I'm more than happy to meet anyone up at a truck stop ask Redgator and Sheffield Mick.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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OMG!!! you ever do something then regret it?

Logan, based on your responses, you're either just a kid w/o your own children or any experience that comes with living, or pretty damn selfish and short-sighted.

To some people I guess yes I would be considered a kid. I'm only 26. Selfish yes that's true too and your right I don't have any kids but short sighted no. I just have no respect for hookers. There's a way out if they really want it easy as that.

O and your also right about the experience thing that comes with living but I'm working on it. One of the reasons I got into truck driving. So you nearly had me all figured out 6 string.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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OMG!!! you ever do something then regret it?

Here's the thing tell a driver whose door your knockin on if it's a human trafficking thing. Most of them would be willing to help. It's called common sense if you want to get out of that lifestyle it's not hard. Tell someone.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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OMG!!! you ever do something then regret it?




I'm assuming you're speaking of the TA at exit 201 on I 75, Jackson, GA. If so, you're certainly in the right place to find just about anything!! shocked.png



I guess so. Lol. Theres a lazy lot lizzard here too. Shes just walking around. If i was her pimp she'd get pimp slapped for not knocking on trucks. No ambition....confused.gif


That lazy lot lizard is somebody's daughter. Even if she's ultimately responsible for her own actions, I don't think it's a joking matter.

Just as you said it is her responsibility for her own actions. So when your that desperate for a buck and have no respect for yourself or your body you will get no respect from me. I will crack jokes about those nasty *****s that go from truck to truck all day long. It's just as easy to get a job flipping burgers as it is to go knock on a truckers door in the middle of the night. I get ****ed when some hooker comes knockin on my door at night and get so mad I can't go back to sleep for a while. This truck is my home don't disturb me during the night when I'm sleeping. I don't come knocking on your door at your home at 2-4 in the morning. So yes I do find them trashy, lazy, disquisting vile pieces of human society. I will make all the jokes I can about them too because like you said they are someone's daughter and I bet those parents are real proud of the decision they made to sell their body and get into that line of work.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all you drivers and students and everyone in school right now. Hope you were able to make it home and spend the holiday with your families. As for me I'm spending my Christmas in Duluth, Ga because that is where the show I haul for is currently at. I might be home for Christmas Day but the show goes through Texas in about a month so I'll get to celebrate and see my family then and we will be there for about a month.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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I just completed my first solo run!

Its funny I actually learned how to back up from 2 conversations I had out here with drivers. The first was about 2 months into trucking and one of our drivers was explaining to me how he backed. It worked wonders! Then a few months back I got my new T680 and was having an awful time with it. Yep after 2 yrs I was struggling to back with a new truck. So one night I was on the phone with Logan T from this board and he told me what he does to set himself up. Low and behold I tried what he said and have been back to rocking it ever since. Just goes to show you you can learn anytime, anywhere and from anyone

Glad I could help out redgator. Still can't believe ya blew thru Nashville without saying anything to me the other day. I'm hurt. I'll be in Georgia the next 2 weeks in Atlanta if you or anyone else is coming through.

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