Profile For Mark M.

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  • Location:
    Wasco, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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    6 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Feeling honored

Do they hold it against you if you decline?

Today my company called me and asked if I would become a trainer. I'm honored that they thought so highly of me to ask.

I have serious reservations though. Although I do know how to train individuals, I know my personality can come off as gruff. I'm am positive that I have the ability, just hesitant as if I have the demeanor. 18 years in the military has forever molded my personality. I tend to be overly blunt.

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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His/Her sleep needs vs your need for instruction.

Thanks old school, no yeah, I completely agree with you. I wouldn't want my trainer to constantly be watching over me like that either.. That would make for an uncomfortable otr training experience for him. Appreciate the clarification and the fast response you guys are extremely helpful.

At first you will both sleep at the old school same time. After that you may drive as a team, where one person sleeps while the other drives. Your trainer will allow you to yell at them to wake up if you need them.

It is a common misconception that says you need somebody right there by your side constantly teaching you. I mean you will be driving for ten hours or more. What could they possibly be yammering on about during all that time?

My trainer rode shotgun with me for one single day. After that we ran as a team. It wasn't the smartest arrangement, but it still got the job done. A permit holder is required to have a CDL licensed driver in the passenger's seat, but once you've got your CDL, there is no reason you can't drive while your trainer is sleeping. You can and will learn a lot by having to make your own choices and decisions behind the wheel.

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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His/Her sleep needs vs your need for instruction.

A lot of companies give you a few weeks of instruction then you get dispatched with a trainer for more extensive training on the road, delivering loads. So my question is; How would your trainer teach you when he has to get sleep too? A trainer can't just deprive himself from sleep for extensive periods of time just in case you have a question right.. So how does this play out?

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Thank you! You're very knowledgeable!

Yes. The parking brake system and emergency brake system are combined and consist of spring brakes.

Spring brakes are typically applied during the "ABSENCE" of air pressure, unlike your service brakes (foot pedal brakes) which are activated with air pressure.

So, for example, you lose too much air pressure due to a leak, your spring brakes are going to come on, because that air pressure is what holds them back. Parking brakes are the spring brakes as well.

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Are the emergency spring brakes the same thing as the parking brakes? kind of confused on this at the moment

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Sasquatch, paranormal, cryptozoology

Has anybody ever seen anything weird like a humanoid creature, ghosts, Sasquatch, or anything inexplicable out there on the road in the Darkness?

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Does Schneider have forced nyc dispatch for OTR?

How did you maneuver around that city. I heard they have freeways that don't allow trucks.

I've been to NYC as a rookie. I survived, its just another city that you have to pay even more attention to. But don't avoid it at all. Sure its tough, but its a fantastic learning experience as well.

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