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Rookie Solo Driver
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New CDL graduate lookin to tear up the road and fill up the bank!
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Training Starts Monday At McElroy. I Need Advice!
You may also want to post this exact same request on the diary forum. Use the search bar in the upper left corner to find other McElroy threads.
Ok I'll do that too.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Training Starts Monday At McElroy. I Need Advice!
G Town how do I delete this post?
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Training Starts Monday At McElroy. I Need Advice!
You might want to repost under a more specific subject, at the least include McElroy in the title.
Ok thanks
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Training Starts Monday At McElroy. I Need Advice!
McElroy! I really wanna have a leg up and/or be as prepared as possible. Been a little less than 2 mos since I got my license (had to deal w/some family issues)....but I still feel pretty good about everything. Definitely ready to get started and start a new chapter of life. So please dump all the info, links, or whatever I need to know or study up on.
Hopefully some McElroy ppl see this and drop some knowledge in here. Any and everything is appreciated.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Got it narrowed down to 2 companies.....I hope
Also heard that there's not a lot of miles given w/MTL.....how are the miles w/Mav? I'm looking to run as much as I can (within my rookie limitations lol)
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Got it narrowed down to 2 companies.....I hope
Thanks yall. Appreciate all the info.......@Turtle: Oh they're definitely hiring in my area. I honestly have a good feeling I wouldnt have a problem getting hired on after talking with a recruiter. Home time is 1 of the most important things to me. Mav said 90% wkends whereas MTL promises every Fri. Just wanna know how true that is. Mav has a higher pay scale but I'd forego the few cents difference to be home more wkends.
@PJ: Ok. Also good to know....Yeah I only plan on being OTR for a year to get the experience then go local anyway.
@CT: hmmmm. I do like maroon better lol....but seriously that's what I need to find out about Mcelroy. I've HEARD that their equipment is....not that good to say the least. But again I don't just run with everything I hear. I would love to hear from some drivers on THIS forum about who has the better equipment. Thanks for letting me know about Mav's equipment. And no I'm not by the coast. I'm more closer to the GA state line. Also do Mav trucks have dbl bunks or single sleepers? just wondering.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Got it narrowed down to 2 companies.....I hope
Both are good companies. Maverick has one thing McElroy doesn’t. Different divisions.. I don’t know if that’s important too you or not, but something too consider. As far as parking at Lowe’s, I’m not sure what you are refering too. I park a tanker at them fairly often. I would be looking at which one can fit my needs the best, I.E. Getting me home for hometime, and their benift packages. Alot of folks foscus on pay and don’t pay much attention to benifits. That is huge!!! As far as company bashing goes, well it is normally disgruntled employee’s going on the internet doing the bashing. Those of us doing our jobs don’t have time for that. That’s why you see negative much more than positive. The ones complaing got terminated and have plenty of free time. Not to say there aren’t problems of some type in all companies, some just more than others. I only know of one large carrier that had real deep trouble because the CEO was crooked. That CEO resigned after alot of damage was done and that company is still 4 years later trying to rebuild its reputation. That is the extreme rare exception. Any experienced driver on here could walk into any carrier and be a star in very short order.
Yeah I did see that Maverick has different divisions. That's not a MAJOR factor as I'm looking to get into flatbedding. I don't mind physical, hard work....doesn't bother me @ all. I'm very driven and motivated....MTL has an account with Lowe's and drivers are allowed to park there for free....like I said that's just a perk not something that would keep me from choosing a better company. Hometime and benefits are definitely @ the top of the list.......and yeah I'm not shocked to hear that about the complainers. That's why I wanted to get the scoop on here because I know I'll get the facts and not a buncha bs....thanks for the response.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Got it narrowed down to 2 companies.....I hope
Well I've narrowed it down to 2 companies. Got an app in with Mcelroy; just waiting to hear back from the recruiter. Also talked with a recruiter from Maverick but haven't done an official app yet. And I know NO company will have all 5 star reviews but I've seen more than my fair share of horror stories on Mcelroy (after my app). Well I come here for the truth. Are these horror stories mostly bs from disgruntled, lazy drivers or are there any truth to them? Is Maverick a better choice or are they pretty much the same as MTL? The tale of the tape is very similar with only a few differences. I do love how MTL drivers can park @ Lowe's seeing as how there's one 2 mins from my house but my main focus is choosing the better overall company. And of course @ the end of the day the decision is mine so I'm not looking for anybody to TELL me what to do; just trying to gather as much TRUTHFUL info as I can which is why I ask this forum.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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You need to start now. Most companies will consider your CDL to be "stale" after just a few months of not using it. If that happens (and it will) you are severely limiting your options as to who will hire you. The only remedy for that is to go through school again. I know this to be true because I ran into this problem when I was getting started.
You will certainly appreciate having someone with you for your first foray into the challenges of winter weather.
Old School! I was hoping you would be 1 of the people to respond lol. I've seen you give out a lot of good info during times I've lurked.......Thanks for this answer. Very appreciated.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Training Starts Monday At McElroy. I Need Advice!
Thanks to all for the advice so far and well wishes... Parrot head I'm actually headed to Pleasant Hill, NC... Thanks Curmudgeon I'll definitely do that.