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Posted:  5 years ago

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New truck driver, Help please! Given ticket for non-compliance and violation

I worked for CR England for years, and they have an entire safety series of videos through the CRE toolbox app where, if your husband was paying attention during his CDL training classes, they go over it, verbatim, about chain laws through out the country. I am lucky now that I am on a dedicated account with another company, in the South East where I do not have to go through any states that have chain laws, but yet I still carry them...I have 8. It is your husband's responsibility, not CR England, nor any company, to provide the correct number of chains. It is HIS CDL, not the companies. HE is responsible...period. He is responsible for those tickets. The court is not going to accept the "I didnt know" defense.

So, Sid, he didn’t “blow past” a station. There was one sign he saw when he first got back on the highway and it didn’t say “where” or how far ahead the stop was. He kept looking and did not see the entrance for it. As he has been sitting there, he has seen 5 other truckers stopped. I think this must be a “trap” area. He took pictures, it is impossible to see where this station is from his side of the highway. He has taken this entire process seriously and has always been nothing but above board professional with every position he has ever held. PackRat, he had whatever the truck was issued with. This is not his truck. He was given training as to what was supposed to be done during pretrip/post trip, he was left with this truck when his driver-partner left him. That is the person that “checked out” the truck. And at NO TIME has anyone told him he was supposed to have 7 chains. If his company was sending him to an area where he was supposed to have more chains, they should have provided them. My husband says he can understand them feeling as though he should have paid more attention to where the weigh station was but it still remains, he still has been left on his own to figure out things that should have been gone over in training or even OTR training with a trainer. He would never have known that the Qualcomm doesn’t alert you to every station OR the chains policy if he hadn’t have been stopped. Yes, he will contact an attorney.

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