Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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None of that is ok. Have you spoken with anyone at the company about this?
No. I'm waiting until I get off the truck on Wednesday. I'm taking home time due to a death in the family.
He has told me because of my accident it'll be nearly impossible to get a decent trainer if I tried to do that.
I just don't really know what course of action to take. I know I definitely need to tell them something, but my family is concerned he will try to get me fired since I have the preventable accident looming over my head.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Looking for advice on my situation. I am halfway through TNT training with Prime Inc. and have a trainer who is racist, hateful, and disrespectful. I've put up with it since PSD, but at the time he wasn't as bad, so I agreed to go TNT with him.
Since then I was involved in a preventable accident at which point the whole dynamic has changed. He has said some terrible things to me about myself and my wife. He has yelled obscenities at me while on the phone with my son who is 6. The list goes on. He thinks this is all hilarious.
Last night though he crossed a line I can't forgive. He and another Prime buddy got on a website called Truthfinder that reveals sensitive information about people and I feel he seriously invaded my personal privacy. He found my address, my wife's phone number and email address, etc.
The fact a website like that exists is concerning enough, but to know he now has this information really worries me.
I'm about to get off the truck due to a deth in the family.
If anyone has any advice as what I should do it would be much appreciated. This has been hell and I cannot get back on this truck.
Thank you and sorry for the insanely long post.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Verbally abusive TNT trainer
Thanks everyone for the very helpful replies. It's been a rough go, but I'll take the advice given and keep on trucking.