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Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

As long as you take your time, do as many GOALs as needed, and don't hit anything you're doing fine. It takes lots of practice to get the basics down.

Everybody driving was new to backing at some point. Right now, you're the new one.good-luck.gif

Thanks for the support. I have to think, “you guys had to learn to back your trailer too” whenever I’m practicing at a truck stop. I’ve recently decided to break my experience down to hours to cheer myself up. I now have 10 hours experience of backing a trailer 😂. You’re right it gets a tiny bit better every day.

Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

Thanks Big Scott. I put in a lot of research into trucking companies and tried to provide info I wished had been available in n conjunction to what was already there.

Congratulations on your successful start to your trucking career. Thanks for this diary it will help many. Best of luck.

Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

With trainer now. I am officially that DORK that still has not mastered the backing into a truck stop stall. I am now the perfect entertainment for all to watch as I practice at the stops. It does help to watch everyone else and learn from them. Be prepared to laugh at yourself and not take be too hard as you learn. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Thankfully I enjoy my trainer and her dog. embarrassed.gifrofl-2.gif

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

I forgot to mention that on Day 2 of orientation new students did not have to be at CFI until 10:30am. Returning previous CFI drivers or experienced drivers went into CFI at the normal time of 6:45am for drive tests. We were told that the hotel shuttle leaves 10 minutes to the hour and 20 minutes after. As I walking outside of the hotel I saw the shuttle leave at 15 minutes to the hour. My husband wanted to go early to see a few things. It was funny to verify with the front desk that I had the correct times after watching the shuttle leave early. I took a Lyft and took any other students I recognized with us. I was worried the shuttle would be late, you never know and didn't trust it.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

On Sept. 28th CFI provided an AVIS rental car for us to drive from Kingman, AZ to Joplin, MO. We also put a request in ahead of time for another $105 $5 cash & $100 Visa) for fuel to be added to our contract or funds to be taken out of our checks at a later date. At least that's what I was told. We arrived in Joplin Sunday evening exhausted. I will mention this, be prepared for unexpected expenses. Have some extra $$ or cash for the unexpected. Miscommunications can happen between say your transportation-lodging-CFI recruiters. Our recruiter was very nice but maybe the hotel didn't mention changes to their shuttle system and the taxi company didn't give the cost of a ride per student. This is what happened to us and a few other students; We dropped our luggage at the LaQuinta Hotel. Brought an empty backpack with us to Walmart to purchase some food for the week, drove to the Avis at the Joplin airport to return car. We had $24 remaining from the gas funds. Asked Avis where the hotel shuttle would pick us up. Our email directions from CFI were to catch the shuttle back to the hotel. The Avis employee informed us the hotel shuttle is only for the pilots but he would call the taxi service CFI uses. Perfect. I spoke with taxi dispatcher asking for a ride for my husband and I. His response was if my spouse was a passenger the fee would be $20 for the two of us. If we are both students it would be $20 per student. The crazy driving taxi man dropped us at hotel after paying $41. $1 fee for using a debit card. I was not prepared with cash or the fee for a taxi. Be sure to get a receipt for everything because CFI could reimburse you for some of this. Cab fare was reimbursed. Hotel room has a microwave and fridge. Day 1 of orientation: hotel provides breakfast and at 6:45am our CFI instructor pulled up in a bus to transport all of the students that arrived. All the students were tired from their travels. It is funny to see who follows easy instructions and who does not. Don't come late to class, don't use emergency exit doors marked "Emergency Exit Only", turn your ringers off on cell phones and use it in class sparingly were the only instructions but there's always that one or two that has to test the instructor. Day 2 we received our reimbursements for any agreed upon expenses and the total of $60/day promised for four days of orientation ($240 total) on a Visa card. Reimbursements will be different for everyone, just make sure you bring all receipts to class so that your reimbursement is not delayed. Tomorrow will be day 4 and there's a lot of info packed into your brain. There are stores and restaurants within walking distance. So far I'm really enjoying how well CFI will be supporting us on the road.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

Thanks PackRat.

Congratulations to both of you!

dancing-banana.gifdancing-banana.gifdancing-banana.gifdancing-banana.gifdancing-banana.gifdancing-banana.gifdancing-banana.gif X2.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

Thanks Rob T.


Great work!

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

Thanks Old School! You could say I was a dancing banana afterwards. It was a high.

Wow! Congratulations - You Did It!


Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

Day 10 - We passed our drivers exams! We have two more days of school left and will depart for Joplin, MO right after school Saturday evening. In the meantime it's all about practice. With the third party examiner testing us we waited for him to arrive at Trainco. The examiner had me drive to the Mohave Community College CDL maneuver lot. We first performed the PTI exam starting with the front of the truck, moved to the In Cab PTI, and moved on to the outside to complete the side and back of the truck. Next, he had me perform the three maneuvers we practiced all week. The last exam was the road test. Arizona CDL exam allows people to miss up to 22 points for the PTI, 12 points on maneuvers, and 20 points on the road test. Knowing this made me feel better. That's a lot of points you're allowed to miss if you study and practice, it's almost hard to fail. We did study hard. This morning the instructor tested me on the PTi and I did great. The examiner tested me and my mind blanked. I took a deep breath and explained what I knew about each part of the PTI and what was expected even though I forgot half the verbiage I previously recited just 40 minutes prior to this. I was extra slow on the maneuvers and began thinking too hard getting stuck in my head. During the practice drive I did this morning the instructor noticed my turns were way too wide when I had been completing my turns perfectly all week. I finally went over a curb, first the first time. Examiner stated I did very well on the road test. Thanks again to the Trainco instructors for doing a job well done. Orientation begins Monday, then I imagine my poor driver trainer wanting to finish their time with me as soon as possible. I hope to see more women in this industry!

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CFI Training in Arizona with Trainco

Thanks Chris.


Sounds like things are going as expected. Keep at it, and good luck......


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