El cajon, CA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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50 years old.did 4 years navy and 5 years as a fire fighter.the rest of time various aspects of construction.My boss is getting ready to retire next year and shut down the co..I am just thinking about the next phase of my life.
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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What Was Your First/Best Concert
Men at work.at the cal expo Amphitheater in Sacramento
Posted: 4 years ago
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Rookie Solo Adventures of a Knuckle Draggin Primate (Rob D.)
Just curious how you liked the Denton area?I know you just passed thru and didn't spend much time there.Thinking of moving there to that area or Dover ark area.
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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They dont pull taxes but you have to pay it when you file your taxes
I need to move to your state.Here in California the max is 450 a week
Is that taxed?
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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I need to move to your state.Here in California the max is 450 a week
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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Starting on my path to a career in trucking!
Just wondering if running in a high wind area when empty,can you run with that thing open to cut down on wind presure.Or would the road wind just shred it while open .Thanks
Posted: 5 years ago
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Is Your Rig Safe At A Truck Stop?
Didn't someone steal a loaded tractor and trailer from the co yard a few weeks ago.If it happens there it could happen anywhere.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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FINALLY heading to my own truck!
Victor.I do not mean to squash your dreams of being a jet jockey.But you need to look at the reality of it actually happening.I think the fact you were home schooled puts you at a huge academic disadvantage.I do not mean this as a slight against your parent's ability.Jet pilot's are the cream of the crop in pilot world.Just like flatbedders in trucking.If your heart is set on flying maybe check into being a army helo pilot.They allow you to come in as a warrant officer without a B.A. Also maybe just go to to a navy or airforce recruitment office and take a asvab test.I would think that would be an easy way to tell if you have an aptitude for the academics of being a pilot.When I was in the navy I almost went into the pilot program.They had a program at the time that took associate degree sailors and turned them into pilots.But after thinking long and hard about it I realized I didnt think I would be able to pass the program.For some reason I have always tested well but I am not as smart as my testing seems to think I am.Best of luck to you.And just to reiterate I am not trying to harsh your buzz ,but want you to think hard about the journey you are going on.
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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Will this affect your hos at your main job?
Posted: 1 year, 3 months ago
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Re-purposed reefer trailers.
The base was turned into housing and shopping.They kept the bridge,uss never sail ,the golf course and some of the buildings and I think a few of the barracks.if your curious I can get a few pics next time I am over there,or you could just street view it .co 301 was when I went thru