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Posted: 6 years ago
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Half way through training my Trainer says to me - "No one does pre trips around here or Posts"
Posted: 6 years ago
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Lying Recruiters And The Dirty Lies
Well they hired me out and I worked there making $26 dollars and hour and lots of over time - Over time --- Have to be in a Union to get this type of wage - They're almost non existent these days.
Left due to personal reasons beyond my control.
NEMF - It's laborous so for solo wheel turners it wouldn't be for you
Posted: 6 years ago
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Lying Recruiters And The Dirty Lies
Rainy - actually they do. They hired me and I was making great money but had to leave due to personal reasons. I was pulling in $26.00 an hour plus lots of over time which is time and a half $39.00 dollars - The position was a city driver and we loaded and unloaded our own trailers ...... pro : great money - home each night --- Con: lots of late nights and heavy manual labor
Stuff happens in Life that most people don't care about which is why I call it personal stuff.
Personally I'd rather go OTR either pulling doubles for UPS or Flat Bedding
But everyone's different
Posted: 6 years ago
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Lying Recruiters And The Dirty Lies
Wrong - Some Trucking jobs (at NEMF) for example {which is a union job}) pay hourly + over time
Who let the simpleton out of the asylum ?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Great Trucking companies and how to find them
I came here with a bad experience but I'm going to gain knowledge.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Great Trucking companies and how to find them
Funny site - first I get judged for not doing my homework Next I get judged for attempting it to gain knowledge
You sure you aren't recruiters?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Lying Recruiters And The Dirty Lies
No I'm new - I don't understand any of that and none of that was mentioned to me
If it was I'd still be there
No one told me anything about pay evening out
I was taught your word is your bond.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Lying Recruiters And The Dirty Lies
Recruiter said between $1400 - $1800 hundred a week. I said to myself I'd do what ever it takes to do this job and I did - I passed all my tests and then when I was seeing that no one made close to this amount (by looking at their paychecks) and talking to them I went to my FM and Safety Person and asked about my pay - they couldn't tell me what cents I was getting per mile ................. I was dismayed by this........After my first run to NYC , no problems - I left right away to the shipper and sleep over night in their dock and was ready to roll out next morning. I'm okay with hard work and the Truckers Lifestyle of poor diet , being away long periods and yes having to be far from bathrooms, but FRANKLY I decided from the get - go that I would follow this path no matter what unless I found out the money wasn't there - will it wasn't -- so after talking to my FM and Saftey Person I handed in my two weeks and left on good terms.
I mark it up to being too trusting I guess and being new
Anyway - know I know what I want and it's OTR Heavy Hauling and Rigging - I know at least that'll be hard work that will lead me to where I know I want to go.
Always put Safety First
Posted: 6 years ago
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Lying Recruiters And The Dirty Lies
I'm not lying Brett
Who do you ask for a contract?