Godforsaken Nowhere, NY
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Company Driver In Training
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onward to my next life....I think it's probably # 6 or 7 lol. promises to be as interesting or more than all the prior ones!!
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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To be blunt- bras vs concrete highways...
Rotflmao... I feel ya there!! only maybe I feel it more- you don't feel uncomfortable? I swear everything I do inflates the boobs. Babies? C to D....Gain weight? D to DD Loose weight? Boobies be like- nah fam, just kidding we only move in 1 direction.... keep going you'll be a stick with big boobs.... I lost a band size but gained a cup size. They can be nice when I want to dress up, but a complete PITA when I'm getting stuff done, like building the rock wall when my profile pic was taken. That was a sport bra day, which worked out ok because there was no BOUNCE!!!
It's looking like there isn't a ready made solution...I think I'm gonna have to highlight my atlas.... How many highways are concrete? I'm mostly used to asphalt- only recall concrete on Rt 81 south of PA....
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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If done at the leisurely pace shown in the video it'd be a walk in the park. but the scoring mechanism requires you to put as much speed into the force you apply as you can manage...
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Tell me about curtainside.....
Oh Bruce- you had me rolling.... yes indeed curtains for me. question is- when??? preferably after a make a little money ;-)
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Tell me about curtainside.....
Lol I'm cool with that!!! question is- how sissy is it pulling the curtain frames ?? I can't imagine its anywhere near as hard as throwing tarps,. plus it's in a direction of force I can work with- sideways, not overhead.... ask your other-half what the toughest part is in his opinion.... pulling the frame or securement? inquiring minds wanna know..
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Tell me about curtainside.....
I'm considering asking about curtainside with Roehl. I was hired on for reefer national, which I intend to do for the next few months while I get my driving game polished up a little since it appears that van/reefer is about as simple a driving job possible. but once I get that down a bit I'm interested in curtainside. I gave up the idea of flatbed because I tested some of the weights I'd read online at the gym IRL and no way can I lift 70lbs up past mid forearm level. I put my shoulders thru some hell a few years ago and I recovered to the no-pain point, but never really got the strength back. I can however wrangle, wrestle, push, pull, bully, maneuver and finagle just about anything to just about anywhere, I just do it smarter, not harder. The cranking down straps, throwing straps or chains, heaving down on bungees, tiedowns whatever, I think I could do that no problem. I've heard that pulling the curtain frame and cover along the bed is a PITA. OK- so is gutting a house lol. I'm pretty good with loads, forces, math and directions coming from a engineering background, I always work safely from years of working renovations solo. And mainly- I worry about getting old, fat and weak. I just hit the 50 mark and here's where things get real lol. I'm totally at peace with ageing, but I want to do it smart, and ferociously :-)
Lee _/\_
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Hi Denise- it looks like you're starting tomorrow. I just posted my experience with the Roehl 'machine' lol. There is a video of the machine and the basic motions. I can't tell you much more- that's what I saw, did, and overcame :-) The minimum is around 125 IIRC. I have nothing to relate those numbers to- it's measuring resistance in some fashion, and I think that is a cumulative score of all 5 outcomes- 1 on the abdominal crunch, 2 for the arm/shoulder tests left and right, and 2 for the legs/knee tests left and right. The guy who administered our tests was on his last week before leaving the position, so you won't get the experience of Big Tony giving you a simultaneously encouraging and terrifying "GO GO GO GO" to motivate you to do your best. Huge man in physique, persona, and voice. Absolute teddy bear in real life I think, but that was nerve wracking LOL. I ended up with a 195, partly because I was scared I might fail if I didn't give 110%, and partly because I was secretly hoping if I didn't fail, that I might prove myself strong enough for flatbed...but that's a different story.
My only suggestion that might be helpful- since you are apparently around my age (I'm 50 this year) if you have borne children and know that there are some lasting effects....um...I wish had I worn a pad. I peed a little doing the abdominal crunch and I had just emptied my bladder prior. Mortifying while it happened, but at that point there was no going back so I just went all out. Tony even looked at me at the end and said "this is my proud face' LOL. But I still wish I'd had worn a maxi pad... :-(
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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To be blunt- bras vs concrete highways...
For my CDL test I wore a sport bra pulled over my precious Soma 40$ dd. I swear I could hardly breathe. There should be a better solution. I got to thinking OMG- if I'm not permitted to pull to the side of the highway or off ramp, and I find out out I get to bounce down the road for an hour or more.... I'm gonna be very unimpressed....to say the least...
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Starting Roehl CDL school on 2/11
Hello Again!!
I'm finally home for a minute. It's been absolutely amazing, I survived, and if I didn't think I was indestructible before, I sure do now!!
1- Roehl company physical (AKA The Rack) lol- it's mostly what it looks like in the video. I'm still not sure how it measures, I do know that in the 4 weeks I was there 2 people I heard didn't pass, 1 woman and 1 older man. The minimum for van/reefer is around 125 / flatbed is 150 IIRC. I racked up a 195---go Me!!! One young man out of the Armed Forces pushed out about 325 in my class and I heard rumor of a close to 400. So I think it's quite manageable if you are a basically physical person without being a gym rat.
2- Appleton Wi puts 6 of the people in each class in the local Fox Valley Technical College. This is where I went. Not sure how it is decided- they have the school people pre-selected from the group. We had 1 guy never show up, he had been on the list to go to Tech, when they looked in the master list for who would be the replacement, badda boom it was me. I can't stress enough how great the instructors are at FVTC. My guy- Rob, was very experienced as a trainer having been a Schneider OTR trainer for years before going to the school. He was very good as a trainer, professional, calm. I can't speak highly enough about him.
As a matter of fact- Mr Rob from FVTC is SO GOOD..(how good is he??) He's SO GOOD that his students can get in an ACCIDENT...ON the test...and still pass.
True Story.
I got hit by a car in a round-a-bout pulling back in the college at the end of my test. YEP. They labeled it Contact, unavoidable. Talk about making a long day even longer.
3- I'm not sure how I could have improved my hotel-training arrangement..... but I was in the same room and same truck with a lady I would have probably been better off only seeing 1/2 as much of. We both survived but I think that might be less than optimal for most people, not just she and I.
thats' all for now.
p.s. this forum is very helpful. I was aware of stuff many of my classmates were not. Good job Brett. Thanks
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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To be blunt- bras vs concrete highways...
Hi Scott. thanks for your input- I appreciate it. Honestly- women with too much boobage are mostly used to bumps, bridge transitions, potholes, etc. I mean its the same crap we deal with in our personal cars. just that mile after mile, with the exaggerated effect of the chair/suspension.... it's a bit more extreme in the big rig. Its like when 1 mosquito bites- its annoying. the cloud of millions of mosquitos assaulting you for hours is a different thing entirely.