Profile For Dennis S.

Dennis S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Sparks, NV

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 3 months ago

Dennis S.'s Bio

Drove truck since 10/2002. Driving jobs , Stevens Transport, National Freight, Inc., Cr. England, Knight Transportation, S&M Truck Lines, K&B Transportation, Swift Transportation/Central Refrigerated, and Its Logistics.

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Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Pro's and con's on cabovers

Hi. It's been awhile since I've been on here. Anyways, I've been wondering what it would be like to drive a cabover. My father drove one when I was younger, Locally in California. And I remember acouple of times, when he would sneak me in, letting me hold the steering wheel for awhile while he did the other controls. Later on when I got of age to drive a truck. Trying to get into the industry before the industry etched them pretty much out. Anywho, what's the pro's and con's on driving a cabover?

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Someone's LAST Bad Day!! (Wreck)

Oooch !!!

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Here's A New dash cam crash caught on roadway

That's was what I was thinking, as well. Just watching the video. Why risk your own life, lose the load, and possibly your livelihood. because of some road rage idiots. Throttle down, down shift, slow down.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?


After college, I spent a few years in banking. Loved it for 3 years but decided it was time to pick up and move from NYC area to Charlotte, NC as I was young and wanted to experience life in another part of our great nation (love North Carolina, by the way). For various reasons, I stopped enjoying my work in banking and eventually got out. Bounced around doing various things including managing a restaurant, selling hearing aids, and even sold car stereos out of the back of my car. Eventually settled into working for my church for 15 years, the last 8 of which were as facilities manager. When they decided to outsource my department, I found myself unemployed. This coincided with rupturing a disc in my neck. After a few months of pretty bad pain, I had surgery to replace the disc, which went very well (it's amazing what they can do these days!). During that time, the job search really suffered. Since then, I've been able to gain back all my strength and then some, am getting into better shape overall, and just recently got a part-time gig working for Lowe's. However, I need to get back on a successful career track and am seriously considering trucking. I love this site and have really enjoyed reading the other posts on this thread.


I used to work at Lowes too! I was in Lumber & Building Materials for 2 years.

I used to work at a Lowe's store, in lumber and millwork depts from 1998-2001. Great job part was also looking into truck driver training options. Bounced around there and contract Security at a oil companies before finding Stevens Transport. With paid training in 02.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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I hate reefers




Focus on the issue and resolve it.



Yeah! one of these buttons is sure to make that reefer nice and quiet.... smile.gifhqdefault.jpg

At least until the driver jumps outta his cab or comes back from his shower. shocked.png



That would be a bad idea. You could cause that reefer driver their job. Especially if the driver didnt notice or forgets to check on his unit.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

I've always wanted to be a "truck driver". Ever since my father sat me on his knee and said to hold the steering wheel. I was probably around 5 or 6yrs old. He would work the gears and controls. But would hold the wheel For few minutes or so. Anywho, but Before I decided to become one. Was working as a Mall Security. And had my 10yrs class reunion in '02. That's when I decided it's was time for a career change. And loved it, driving, ever since.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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mentoring at Swift/Central refrigerated.

I'm been at Central Refrigerated/Swift coming up to my year next month. Though been driving since '02 October. With about 5yrs. Not actually driving. Anyways, I'm thinking of becoming an mentor. And not really for the money side of it. But to see if I am ready and able to pass on of what I've learned. Just want to get some advice that can help me make transition in being at least a good/best mentor.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Cdl endorsements

Some companies may not require all endorsements, if any. Is it still good to know about them? And why?

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Back on the road again.

Hello trucker freinds. Been a while since I've been here. Last time, I was looking into getting back into trucking. Called up Central Refrigerated. They were able to bring me aboard, after being out of trucking for about six years. All I had to do was a road test.(hung on to cdl, the time i was off the road), refresher course with a trainer out on the raod. Was abit rusty at shifting the gears again. And a bit of the backing manuvers. But I knew that I need learn the H. O. S, of the newer rules and regulations. I am happy to be back grinding gears again. Of course, i don't miss the traffic. But hey, thats apart of the life.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Read article on pre-hires.

If you get a letter for orientation. They pay your way to get there. Do they pay the way back home for you? If not, how much do you need to get back home?

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