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Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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If one has high business acumen and a large amount of capital, what is to keep one from generating a respectable cash flow as an O/O? Call me Beelzebub, but there must be a reason that some people succeed at it. Is there a basic template to follow? I am curious about becoming an O/O as well.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Becoming an o/o???
In my research, I found many O/O's that were willing to disclose their profit and loss statements for the preceding year with candid announcements. Everyone has different home life bills and everyone must file taxes, but I cannot get a barometer of financial health from statements intended for the IRS that do not include GAAP and internal accounting language (which I know I cannot find online). Example: An O/O might claim $60,000.00 in fuel expenses when reporting to the IRS, but may have received a fuel surcharge from the company he was contracted to, with no IRS requirement to report that. If his bottom line, net income was only $20K for the year, but the company he was contracted to paid for 50% of his fuel, then his true net was $50K for the year...According to his wife (who spent it all anyway). I am wading through the reports and stories to see what the managerial accounting looks like. How much will the wife REALLY get to spend, if any?