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Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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That’s a lot of tickets and wrecks. If you want to drive, you need to adjust your bad habits.
CDL through a private school?
That's alot of wrecks? 2002 was my last one 17 years ago. I am and have been a decent driver. I have pretty good habits I almost never speed or drive like an idiot like most people. And since I got my CDL I've been even more vigilant. This event was out of the blue I don't feel the tickets were deserved.
I got my CDL through a 12 week program that works with transition soldiers. It wasnt a cracker Jack school like ones I've heard of.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Get a lawyer - FIGHT EVERY TICKET.
Unless the cop witnessed it - he cannot testify to it.
You're going to have a difficult time with this recent of an "at fault" accident, getting a hire. Your prior service and clean record is a plus in your favor, but not a guarantee.
Thanks. Looks like the plan is to fight it. A close friend said the same thing about the cop witness. Ugh this is such a pain in my ass.
Posted: 6 years ago
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TMC CDL (in-house) training day 1
Keep Going buddy, you're at the finish line now. I've been following this blog since probably day 8 I think. Its been a great factor for me choosing TMC. I Got my CDL last week through a program with the Army. and got called by TMC and Approved to attend orientation. and your blogs have been a HUGE view through the looking glass into TMC and what to expect. I look forward to joining you guys here in the next couple months. Lean forward and Drive on to the finish buddy
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Need some advice please.
That's what's eating me up. Is that the risk of it happening again. And in a cmv on top of it. I mean the first thought I had wasnt about me I was worried about if I hurt anyone. I 1000 percent understand your point. I mean I've been exhausted and stressed before while in combat and all the other crap with the military with zero issues but we had time to rest. The 2 months leading up to this event there was no down time and Its my fault I didnt give my self time to sit back and decompress at all. This was the only time this sorta thing has happened. I know I have to put this plan on hold for now which is giving me that lost feeling since for about over a year I've had it all planned out and now I'm at the finish line it's gone in an instant. If I didnt have a family depending on me it wouldn't sting so bad. Sorry for rambling
I'll honestly take your advice....put driving on hold fix this mess.