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Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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PLZ help -Need insight on my new career as a trucker with my MVR & Background
I’m just starting out and looked for multiple places to accept me with just 1 Felony from 2008 for Possesion w/ Intent even though i was on drugs at the time not really selling i had to take that plea because I didn’t “snitch”.
My record since getting out of prison is college , steady employment and even been involved in helping start and run multiple drug recovery programs, driving record clear etc etc. I’ve gotten worn out in doing social work and watching people going back down the same path, it’s just really took its toll so i started looking for a new career that would provide well for my family.
I all but gave up trying to find a career in trucking, the major companies all turned me down due to that one conviction. A few told me to call back in 90 days or give it 2-3 more years. A few reviewed it and even with my past 8 years of solid reviews and references from pastors,chief of police and business owners with whom I’m friends with was still turned down. Finally Roehl accepted me after speaking with them although even they had to take it up the ladder and review my case and I actually start next monday.
So i say all that to say I’ve had a hard time with one felony and no vehicle issues from my experience your gonna have a real hard time.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Post Surgery
So I had some surgery done 2 weeks ago. Had a blood clot removed and put on blood thinners. Surgeon cleared me, Cardiologist cleared me, Pulmonologist (Lung Dr)cleared me and my Primary Care cleared me. My company decided I needed to go get a new DOT pyshical done before returning and they said I had to wait 3 month before I can receive a new Card due to having surgery. My old card is still good for over a year so my question is legally can I still use that one and apply elsewhere? or did my company screw me by sending me in to try and get a new one?