Profile For Jakester

Jakester's Info

  • Location:
    Tomball, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 1 month ago

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Posted:  1 year ago

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saying thanks


Old school, I’m sorry I did not mention you my friend, you made it possible, do what you log , log what you do, I tell all my students and tell them your the man, if not for this stupid website I would of been lost my first year. Funny how it becomes like scratching your balls, ya it’s easy to do fit always a challenge, take care

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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Keeping tractor secure in bad areas

Not really sure why the question, does the youth of this country not honor there rights, simple, 2nd amendment period, our life we live you better be prepared for all and hope for nothing

The store that I delivered to was broken into last night and I was parked out back in an alley. Not exactly one of the safest places. The police woke me up to ask me questions. What are some ways that you keep yourself and your tractor safe in bad areas?

Posted:  1 year, 5 months ago

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hey guys You know who you are, it’s been a good run but I’m done, I have always followed and never really added much, I’ve been in industry 35 years and this was a dream and I did it, and I did it well, it’s time to spend it with family, a couple things, I have never been in any industry that you are basically judged on what happened yesterday, trucking is a very serious industry I know that, but you want to get more drives into it, things happen with the new guys, spend 3 weeks on a trainers truck who could care less, at least my experience, then given keys and hey good luck, the whole training has to change, hey a lot has to change, not *****ing, I did something for 3 years I always wanted to do and learned more here than any company training, I trained my share as well to give back, Brett, old school, Anne, thank you all, time for me to be a dad again, I really hope trucking changes, I see fishing camping with my boy and what ever rocks I can climb at 57, all be safe, my last dispatch home

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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New truck

Laid my old man down last week , 96 year old military man, got new rig finally, dedicated as the Robert E, fair winds dad

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Friday Short Haul - ADAS push, Fiji trucking, gas shortage, and AB 5 becomes law

Hey boys 3 hours mark chuestut at the do see do , why I do this damn makes it make sense, old country

Posted:  3 years, 12 months ago

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I wouldn’t trade this job for the world...

Well have my first student and all is going well, been a while since a post, just really been hitting it hard, looking forward to this new chapter and really want to give back and pay it forward, I will be a good teacher and my guys will have confidence when they leave my truck, that is my ultimate goal

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms


Yes, Anne. Some of those Acronyms you refrained from spelling out might be a little too naughty for some of our younger drivers🤣


You LOVE playing the 'age card' on me, RD ~!!! Y!?!?!? LoL...


Schneider: Since can’t have nuts eat instead Doritos every ride


We do it like this: SNI

So Naughty Inside ~!! (could substitue NASTY, too.. I guess, haha!)

GN peeps..

~ anne ~

FFE, frequently exceeds expectations

Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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What’s everyone’s 20?

No sir I am not, I’m in Lincoln quite often, would be nice someday to meet the men and women who got me through that hell year

Lincoln, Nebraska terminal for repairs since Sunday night for me.

Are you familiar with the GPS tracker function on here, Jakester?

Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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What’s everyone’s 20?

Thank you all for getting me to this point, virtual trainers, would not be here with out ya all, finally made it home and kids just want to sleep in the truck, funny ****

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Is it normal to wait a while for a trainer?

Why do you don’t expect a company to know a trailer needs service, how about a company pre trip on the trailers, I run linehaul and no reason a terminal loading a trailer can’t pre trip it, a lot of wasted time could disappear, hooking up the other day and 2 trailer seals blown, that’s not something that’s easily overlooked, just load it and let the driver deal with it, responsibility should start with the company


WE is good for experience not for making money.


I found it good for both.

Most of us experience troubles like you did, but we learn how to deal with the issues. We don't expect the company to know things like which trailers need service. That's clearly the driver's responsibility to report those things. So, your problem came from your fellow drivers who speak worse of the company than you do. You can't lay blame on the company when the drivers are not taking care of what's clearly their responsibility.

As far as hearing from the CEO, I've never experienced that anywhere, nor would I ever expect to. We have driver managers who communicate with us, and the less communication you need is generally an indication that you are doing really well.

Of course we are thrilled that you are happy with your new gig, but we also know you could have done better at Western Express. It's tough. I can empathize with that. Our first trucking job is just tough on us. We like to see people figure it out and develop themselves into drivers that know how to deal with the issues.

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