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Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Clearinghouse Question

OK Thanks. I will do that. Wasnt sure if it is just another price grab for something i will rarely ever use. LIKE MY TWIC.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Clearinghouse Question

Hello everyone and Happy New Year,

Can anyone explain this clearinghouse drug deal?? I guess i have been living under a rock and was told today, this is the last day to register. I didnt even know we were supposed to register. Any information wood be of great help. Thanks

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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My pay as a rookie driver

Its funny I wasnt looking for a solution.

I just shared an experience of what happened to me and why I dont lay out my own $. Thats It. I wasnt expecting to have to defend myself and explain my actions. The reality is my figures make TOO MUCH sense so you go with its 100% my fault, which suprises me cuz I thought we were on the same team. Again I wasnt looking for a solution.

I took my "lemon" experience and turned it into "lemonade". Chances are switching companies would not make things better. Grass usually isnt any greener on the other side.

I got it, you guys dont have a problem with drivers laying out $ and then get reimbursed, and its common knowledge.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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My pay as a rookie driver

The reason I had to use personal credit card was, company card expired day b4, hadnt recd new one yet. THis incident was what put the fire under my butt, to make changes. I took those facts and presented them to the company and after time the changes have been made.

I should have not let my emotions get the best of me on this topic, they caused me to go into defending my actions that had nothing to do with my original question about having to lay out your own money and then have to be reimbursed, if thats the normal business practice of these companies.

Ive got the impression that you dont have a problem with laying out your own $. Thats fine. I know Im in a very small percentage, working for a company that allows company credit cards. Most companies wont work that way cuz (1) as soon as u give a driver a credit card they thinks its a free for all and abuse it. and (2) they can just use the drivers money as a interest free loan and pay them back.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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My pay as a rookie driver

See the thing is, I dont need authorization to have work done on truck. (but thats what they used as an excuse since it was my $) We dont have any kind of shop or maintenance. I am required to do thwe required preventive maintenance, and if something breaks or gets blown and needs to be replaced, it is my responsibility to get it taken care of. And that includes tires. It goes on the company credit card. And this all stems from not being reimbursed for the tire. I never feel good about a company using my money to help them solve a problem, maybe I woudnt have a problem if they would say give me $5.00 for every $300 of my money I loan to them. That would be fair. And yea I know companies that have 1000 trucks that would cost a fortune, but thats not my problem. Same goes with being paid every 2 weeks. there is no reason for your company to not pay on a weekly basis. Thats your money why should it sit in there account for an extra week? Drivers give enough time for free and now they basically are getting a short term loan from you at no cost to them. I know this has gotten extreme and I apologize I hate to see what I think are good people being taken advantage of.

Just one more thing about 412 dollar tire compared to the 508 and taking upon myself to do, If I dont show up at john deere or wherever to pickup, and I miss that pickup that day and have to wait til following day because I drove an extra 45min (and who knows how long I have to wait once I get there) The company gets chargeback of $250 a day. So now that $412 tire now is a $662 tire. Not counting my salary, and the possibility I have to get a new permit since I lost a day of travel. There is a thought process that I go through. So for a company to decide to reimburse me $412 and I eat the rest as some kind of punishment, Im sorry thats not right.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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My pay as a rookie driver

Hi Guys and Gals,

I just have a question about reimbursements from company. Is it common for drivers to have to lay out there own money for company expenses? I understand They pay you back pretty quick. I dont know, maybe I am way off base but Imjust shocked at the things drivers have to put $ out for and wait for reimbursement. Why dont they make you put out for fuel and get reimbursed for that. lol i know thats extreme plus the whole taxes thing blah blah blah. Im sorry I guess im just in a bad mood and this struck a chord with me. I just got screwd awhile back for "helping" the company out by putting out the money to replace a tire. I take partial blame for that considering the truck stop Where I was told they wouldnt be sure if the tire could be fixed, and couldnt know til they could get to me in about 3 hrs. I made the mistake of going to good year down the road who said they could take me right away, I replaced the tire and was able to make the very important pickup time. However being that the tire was a small oddball size cuz I haul heavy equipment it was $508. That and the fact I didnt get the authorization (they found a place 45min away that had the tire for $412) they wouldnt reimburse. Again thats where Im partially to blame. I am all about doing the right thing when I work for someone, and knowing that I made the right call only makes it worse. Anyway sorry for the rant. Back to my original question. Is it Industry standard to pay out of your pocket? Thanks

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Drug test release on application

Hey guys and gals, I've been reading your site for a little while and this is the first time ive written anything. But I feel I have to in regards to this OP concerns, cuz I feel like he is gonna have a heart attack about this. My opinion is this, I've always been a proponent of treat people like you want to be treated. Alot of these companies dont get alot of 2 weeks notice from drivers. its usually gone today here tomorrow kinda deal. And the reason I say this is, talk to the company about your concerns, and tell that you are a person who would give 2 weeks notice to previous employer. I guarantee they would respect your wishes and it also shows them that you have some values. They will know you will not leave them at the drop of a hat. It doesnt sound like a big deal, trust me it is. People remember stuff like that especially stuff out of ordinary, Plus when you give your notice, chances are they are not gonna let you fulfill it. At least you made the suggestion. Again just my very extremely humble opinion.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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No power from power supply chord

Hey guys and gals. I’m hoping I can get some help and be a quick fix. I’m hooking up my cb in my truck. Hooked it all up, powered on all good, til I keyed up mike, power all lost. Checked fuses all good, replaced anyway. Checked fuse panel in truck all good. Put test light on, checked every fuse in panel. All good. However put test light on power wire that connects to cb, nothing. What wood be my next move.? I’m far from being any kind of electrician. I really need to get cb connected, have pilot car move in the am. Please help

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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What is a good price for truck service. I have Kenworth with 600 Cummins

He doesnt have any suggestions, its just my responsibility to take care of this type of thing. I thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback. I dont have any big truck stops in the area I live. ie Flying J, TA, etc. I do have numerous truck mechanics around and just was looking to find out what is the price range. The only other company I have driven for had there own shop, so I have never had to worry about this before. This why I need the help. Thank You.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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What is a good price for truck service. I have Kenworth with 600 Cummins

OK thanks I will look into that website. Yea Im definetely not looking for the cheapest price. I Just dont wanna pay 1200 for service that normally cost 750. I dont to present that receipt to the bossman, and then I go hero to zero. LOL

Tommy this website teaches new drivers how to make a good start in the trucking industry. You probably will want to locate a forum or website such as OOIDA for this type of question.

I will say this, as an Owner/Operator you will always be looking for ways to keep your costs down - that's just smart business. You'll also find that the rates among most reputable truck repair shops are very close to each other. If you're tempted by somebody's really low price, you'll probably regret it later on.

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