Chattanooga, TN
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I work at Budweiser of Chattanooga since July 8th, 2019. My position is a driver/helper. Soon to be the driver. I'll be going for the testing for getting my CDL license if I pass. That's pretty much all for now.
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Thanks PackRat and Turtle. I'll keep you posted. I'm loving it
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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I passed my tests. And got my Class A CDL permit as of June 14th. I started work for Budweiser about 2 months ago. Actually September 8th will be 2 months since I started working there. I am in Training right now to get my CDL license through them. Doing local deliveries with them later on. My job/position with Budweise is Driver/Helper. I just wanted to let everyone know how I was coming along since I started this post back in April.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Welcome Alfred!
You should consider the Paid CDL Training Programs. They will determine if they can hire you before you start their school. You didn't mention your medications. That is one thing that my cause you some problems with being considered for employment. Remember we are in a very safety sensitive position. These companies want to move freight, but it has to be done responsibly with as much limited liability as possible.
You're diagnosis won't keep you out. We've seen other folks that are bi-polar get hired on, but the stress of the job may be a trigger that you don't need. Start a conversation with some recruiters you contact after reading that link I provided. You may need to get your doctor to change your medications. You'll need to start a conversation with some recruiters and find out how to proceed.
Have you seen these? They are full of great information for you.
- Truck Driver's Career Guide
- Brett's Book: The Raw Truth About Trucking (free online version)
- High Road CDL Training Program
- CDL Practice Tests
----------------------------------------------------- This is my last post on this I think. I am and have been taking in the responses from all of you. I am Going through the suggested links also. Thanks again for the help and better looking into the trucking side of things.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Good asking questions to things I wouldn't have known beforehand. Thanks to all of your answers, help and suggestions to trucking and more. I'm grateful and thankful for all of this.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I was turned down for disability by the judicial system 3 times saying I was able to work. I would have to start the process all over again. I would rather be working. I thought trucking would be a good career choice.
As of January 1st, 2019 my insurance coverage that helped in paying for my meds ended. The medications I buy are on me.
Also I will check into Vocational Rehabilitation.
I was thinking of trucking as a career choice. After those things you said and the questions asked made sense. Things I am thinking of now. Opened my eyes to all sides of trucking. Not to say I could not do the job because I could.
If nothing more, I truly have learned some things on trucking reading the CDL Manual and reading the other things on here has been good help.
Thank you for your help and advice. It means and has meant a whole lot to me.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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My other half is bipolar as the day is long lol. He's extremely funny, smart, a great all around guy, and an excellent driver.
You can be one too. You'll have to learn to always put on a positive face no matter the situation when dealing with customers and your company. It's not easy for him but he manages to pull it off. He takes Lamictal which is a mood stabilizer. We also have drivers on adderall and a host of other medications. My company will pretty much allow anything that DOT does. All companies are different. We don't have our own school but now offer tuition reimbursement.
But absolutely company sponsored schools should be your first choice.
Oh yes I take Lamictal also. Thank you. And thank you both. Uplifting for me.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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To add what jobs I did have were only temporary jobs.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I had been on disability since early 2007 and that ended November 2018. I worked at a job here and there. Because of the disability payments I could only work up to 80 hours a month. Had to keep up with any and all hours to send in.
Seems that the government wants a person on disability to work but not work at the same time. Sound confusing? It was 100% confusing to me.
My disability was my psychiatrist diagnosis for me having bipolar.
I am 48 years old. I am wanting to get into the trucking industry.
I have been studying the CDL manual for Tennessee where I live. I want to get my Class A CDL permit.
Question #1: Due to this information based on bipolar as my disability, "Is it even worth the effort on my part to try any longer pursuing a career in the trucking industry?"
Question #2: I don't want to waste time going to a school and then sent back. If that's what would happen. I don't want to waste anyone's time and money getting into the trucking industry. I want to be working again. Sounds like I'm repeating myself. Is the time I am putting in to get my license going to pay off in the long run? I don't know. What do you think?
I hope these questions make some sense.
I sure am glad thankful having this forum to ask questions, to get insight and help into trucking as a career choice.
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Trucking as a new career
I would like to maybe go into driving tankers and or doubles later on. Thanks again everyone. I'll be back to post more later