Profile For General G

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    Marion, NC

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Posted:  6 years ago

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Prime Running Low on Trucks?




Thanks for the Reply Rainy!

Just curious as i will start the next book (finished with the last one..:) ) of my life on Mar 11th and was wondering if this is something i should expect towards the end of my training.

I know I'm counting my chickens before they hatch , but one cant help but wonder.

Anyway, Thanks for the response




Just finished (3/3/19) 40 K mile ,90 day,4 trainer, TNT training with Prime. Took 1 week off and ready to return 3/12/19, called to see about returning to finish upgrading. Was told NO TRUCKS available now, call back this coming Thursday 3/14/19 to see if trucks will be available the following week. This will cause me to wait another week, without pay, before I can possibly get a truck. I feel like a corporation as large as Prime, should have anticipated my completion of training and have a truck ready to go. I have done everything asked of me and now I have to wait further to finally start my trucking career.


Just curious, why did you have 4 trainers?

1st guy was just Nasty, stayed in the sleeper whole time I was driving and was only in it for the Money.

2nd guy was a control freak with OCD. Our personalities conflicted.

3rd guy was perfect, patient, knowledgeable and supportive. He had medical problems and stopped driving.

4th guy was very good and helped me finish my final 7k miles.

Sometimes it takes a Village...

Posted:  6 years ago

View Topic:

Prime Running Low on Trucks?


"called to see about returning to finish upgrading"


If you didnt finish the upgrade process, you are not even eligible for a truck. You need to complete the classes and walk into the leasing office and put yourself on the list. If someone goes on the list and are called and do not respond by picking up the paperwork, they are skipped over and the truck goes to the next in line. A lease op who wishes to hold a truck on the inventory list only gets a hold for 3 hours and cannot put a hold on the truck unless they are there. (this is stated on the success leasing website)

Springfield just got a new shipment of trucks yesterday. They are getting more new trucks every week, as well as those who turn them in for various reasons.

Sure if you are sitting at home and not "in their face" they are going to give the trucks to everyone else.


I feel like a corporation as large as Prime, should have anticipated my completion of training and have a truck ready to go. I have done everything asked of me and now I have to wait further to finally start my trucking career.


Most drivers never make it through training, so they couldnt possibly anticipate your upgrade for a certain date. Once the trucks come in, they are then put through our shops to put tires on, add APUs, and a ton of safety features. This takes time. they are also detailed. Of they are turned in by those going out for medical, quitting, or ending the lease, they are put through the shops and detail.

Did you actually complete the upgrade? Some people fail the SIM test and need to go back out with a trainer for another 10,000 miles.

You sound as though you aren't there and are not returning until someone has a truck for you. Holding a truck for you costs the company money. Every day a truck sits is debt being racked up.

You can call next week, but I assure you, there will always be people ahead of you if you dont actually go there. And if you did not complete the upgrading via CBTs, SIM, and Prime Safety Class, elogs, etc... then you are not yet an A seat, and not eligible to be on the list.

I was told on Wed i was number 73 on the list. On Fri i was 2. On Saturday, they tried to put me in a 2017 but I need a condo for training. She told me i would have to wait for Monday and an hour later on Saturday, i got a 2020 International condo. I'm already on my second load after having all my appliances and stuff swapped. Unless you are at another terminal, that is how springfield works. Nancy on this forum just got a condo out of SLC the other day without any difficulty. Pittston only gets trucks when people quit or get fired, so yeah you could be waiting there for weeks. Otherwise, you could get hooked up with any prime driver to run you into Sprimo... they do it all the time.

My suggestion is to get to sprimo, finish the upgrade if you havent and get on that list. the list is added to every day, YOU are prolonging your wait by not being there . good luck.

Rainy D, Thank You for your reply and insight. I was going by what I was told by those I reached out to at Prime. They never considered that I still had training to complete. Your advice makes sense to me and I will return back to SPRIMO this Tuesday, as originally planned, to complete the upgrade process and get on the list. I also will be following your advise and going Company Driver.

Appreciate You General G

Posted:  6 years ago

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Prime Running Low on Trucks?

Thanks for the Reply Rainy!

Just curious as i will start the next book (finished with the last one..:) ) of my life on Mar 11th and was wondering if this is something i should expect towards the end of my training.

I know I'm counting my chickens before they hatch , but one cant help but wonder.

Anyway, Thanks for the response


Just finished (3/3/19) 40 K mile ,90 day,4 trainer, TNT training with Prime. Took 1 week off and ready to return 3/12/19, called to see about returning to finish upgrading. Was told NO TRUCKS available now, call back this coming Thursday 3/14/19 to see if trucks will be available the following week. This will cause me to wait another week, without pay, before I can possibly get a truck. I feel like a corporation as large as Prime, should have anticipated my completion of training and have a truck ready to go. I have done everything asked of me and now I have to wait further to finally start my trucking career.

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