Vancouver, WA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Noworrez On The Web
Hmmm...let's see, I'm 57 this year (2019) and for the last 14-years have been self employed in the residential window cleaning business. For the last 8-years I have mostly done contract work for other companies and I absolutely love what I do. I have a Bachelors degree received a lifetime ago it seems and spent most of my career in Finance or managing people/product. I've been married to my awesome and beautiful wife going on 21-years and is my best friend. Our 19 yo daughter is finishing her Junior year in Nursing school and will graduate June 2020. The company I've been doing jobs for these last 8-years in 08/2018 changed their business model to employee based and being a sub-contractor, stopped feeding me work. Luckily I picked up with another smaller company right away but he isn't going to be able to afford me this coming season so It's time for a change.
Start training with Jim Palmer/Wilson Logistics on Monday 3/31/2019. Feels good to finally have a plan locked in.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
It's a Freightliner Matthew. After living in the top bunk of a FL for the last 10 weeks with all my stuff around me, this thing feels palatial especially with the top bunk latched up against the back wall. Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
I remember that feeling. It's awesome being on your own, and a little nerve wracking at the same time.
Thanks old school! Yes that was the other feeling as well. Rule #1 Breathe! 😃
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
PackRat and Matthew, thank you gentleman!
I told my wife yesterday feels awesome to be in a truck by myself, but weird at the same time, like I stole it...very surreal.
Truck # 11386 if you see me out there Matthew, say hi!
Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
Made it back to Missoula Thursday morning about 1am, checked into the motel, showered and fell into bed about 2am and back in at 5:30. Damn I'm tired just typing this! 😄
I'm officially done with everything but my solo week which will begin today, (Friday 6/14) around 10:30am when I'll get my 34 hour reset. I wanted a clean clock for my week out as I had some funky low hours coming back. Why? Well, my last week we we're dispatched solo on everything.
Now for the fun part! I was assigned my truck yesterday. 2018 Freightliner Cascadia with almost 92k miles on her. Wow!! I just assumed I'd be in an older truck but apparently I'm doing something right to deserve her or maybe it's just the luck of good timing! Either way, I'll take it. To comment on the above, go for it. You won't know until you start talking to some recuiters. Personally I did alot of research and settled on Jim Palmer/Wilson Logistics before talking-to them and it was my only choice, no plan b. They just checked off all the boxes on what I was looking for AND they have the best looking trucks out there IMHO haha.
Training with solo week will come in right at 12 weeks, just like they said.
All for now, cheers....Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
Life is always interesting. My trainer had home time scheduled for 6/6 so I got an unexpected but wonderful trip home where he dropped me off on the 4th. It's been a much needed time with my family to recharge my batteries.
I'm about 3k miles short of completing my B2 seat to move onto the B1 which is my 2500 mile solo week. Jim and I would have gotten there but...lets just say some ball dropping, miscommunication, not having all the information left us sitting here and there which slowed us down. Oh well, can't stress over the things in life we have no control over.
I have a new trainer coming down today from the Seattle area that has graciously, (I am assuming) agreed to take me out for my last week so I'll be meeting him and moving into his home on wheels later this afternoon or early evening, not sure yet.
More later when something interesting pops up.
Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
Just a quick update, running miles. Last week biggest so far at 6168 miles. It really has a lot to do with conditioning, getting used to being tired, driving at night, driving in varied conditions, conditioning your bladder to hold out for another couple hours, sleeping in a bouncing, moving, loud truck, sitting for long stretchs, and anything else you might think of.
This is most definitely the weed out phase because it will test all aspects of you!
Two nights ago, we had to turn around from Donner's Pass heading to Boise. Chains required, in almost June!! The problem when we went to install the chains, my trainer had been sold the wrong ones. Down and around we went which made for a crazy long trip! We had the appointment moved from 2100 to 2200/2300 window. We swapped seats along the hwy outside of Bend and rolled in at 2227 technically on time! Exhausted but exhilarating from having accomplished our goal.
That's it for now, will update later when this phase is coming to a close.
Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
Hey Dave, thanks! I'm heading out tomorrow morning, 4/27 with Jim Pickrell who apparently I am told gets his students through C and B seats very quickly so I'm guessing we'll be going non stop.
Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
3 other students testing failed. One from the week before our class botched his 90. One of the other two used a couple pull ups to get his 90 in the box and when he did another pull up to adjust knocked over a cone I believe. And the other passed all his backing but when pulling out of the DMV testing center didn't pull out far enough and ran over the curb, automatic fail. She did take him through the rest of the course but informed him he failed when he got back to the testing site.
The real bummer about this is there are no other appointments this week and next week they are closed for training. Two so far have gone back out with their trainer's and won't be testing until the week of 5/6, ouch!
Best advice I can offer on backing from my very limited experience is: TAKE YOUR TIME. You are not under a clock, go slow, don't over think it, do what you've been practicing, make the minor adjustments necessary to walk it in the box. My first trainer constantly said, if you have the space, use it! Pull forward as far as necessary to get your set up where you need it.
Well, that's it for now.
Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
As Matthew said above, ask questions, ask for more practice, ask for what you need.
While my 1st trainer stopped everyday to practice backing, the 2nd did not, we practiced one evening with a 40,000lb load 90 once and offset once. Everything seemed like a time crunch so I didn't get to back at any shippers or receivers, thus I did not feel confident in my skills so what did I do? I asked if I could get some more practice back at the yard and they made it happen. Did multiple 90's and offsets.
Off to DMV testing site. No 10 speed so tested in an automatic. I was a bit bummed about this but the more I thought about it, so what? Everything is going to automatics. If in the future I need it, I'll already have my CDL so all I'd need to do is the driving portion to remove the restriction.
I got the lucky draw for pretrip...the entire truck and trailer! 😂. The tester didn't want me going over every wheel and brake assembly. After doing the front one, she asked me the difference between front and rear tires, answer minimum 4/32 2/32 respectively.
Damn, I was going to make this short. Anyway, I nailed the pre-trip, nailed the in cab inspection and nailed the in cab brake test.
On to the backing: deep breath, you've visualized this for weeks now Kelly, you've got this!
Before starting I made sure the trailer was in the box, climbed in the cab and sighted a reference point for the 90 and offset. Pulled forward to the designated cone and backed in past the second set of cones, done.
90 degree, pulled out watching the track of my trailer and noticed black tire marks from all the ones that came before me. I simply followed my track back in, did one small pull up prior to going in the box to adjust more to a 45 and put it right in. Sighting my reference point, used one of my get out and looks to make sure I was where I needed to be, went to go back and sound the horn and she stopped me, saying you're good.
The offset, now that morning I practiced different from what I had been practicing, so I trusted the instructors as the practice pad was set up exactly like the testing pad. Hindsight, I should have done it my way. However, I took my time, used one of my pull ups to get more straight, began backing and was a nats ass from the edge of the cone, literally! I used my second pull up to adjust over and backed it right in to my reference point, sounded the horn and I was done. No points!
Now having done that, I wouldn't recommend what I did and use your G.O.A.L but with my reference point I felt 100% confident I was where I needed to be.
Off we went on the drive, so to keep this short, nailed that as well. No idea if I received any points, she didn't say but I passed all her tests and was done!!
Woot woot, have my CDL, officially hired, received my ID badge/key card and fuel card, now I wait for a trainer.
Cheers, Kelly
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Jim Palmer Wilson Logistics training Montana
I did luck out Matthew, 2018 FL with a bit over 92k miles now and yes... autoshift, which I really like. You can shift manually if necessary but oh so nice not to have to run through the gears especially in traffic.