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Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
But yeah Bruce K. that was pretty much my original question was gettin me home like they say they will 11to14out with 3home after 14 or a few days after. Not staying out for 4 weeks. It just seems like everyone with Roehl stays in midwest just didnt know if me living in southern tn would keep me out longer trying to get home after 14 out.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Thanks Bruce K. that is it just the home time I been communicating with my recruiter for about 2 months now "just bc when I first called to check on it I made her aware I wouldn't be ready til late March early April" and she said that's what they shoot for is 11to14out with 3home give or take a few days at times so what u just said is good that they stick by what they say pretty much, and it's like I told her i dont mind set backs on home time its understandable. Just so many people and their horror stories get the best of a man. Just didnt know if they use that advertisement of 11/14 and 3 to hook u and then screw u in miles and stuff bc u wont run 4weeks at a time all the time. Thanks, just really want/need a real true career for these kids so I can give them what they need to succeed. Thanks again for your time.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
You know Eli, my daddy was a trucker before he passed on, not only a trucker but one heck of a man and he raised me and my sister like a lot of fathers out there raise their youngins to be some good down home, help anyone in need, give the shirt off our backs type of people and we have lived up to that on more than one occasion and I do my best to raise mine that way so they always remember who they r and where they came from. He even did a huge part in raisin my 6yr old up until she was right past 2yrs when he died. She is smart as a whip in school and its bc of him, I remember right before she turned 2 he had flash cards out talking her through them and she would take those flash cards to him wanting to keep learning. Its always been a dream of mine to drive a truck since I was knee watching him do it and being raised around it, it was the only dream I can remember and it's like I the pedigree in me and I got the drive, the fire in me but theres just something that is screwing with me, a little devil on my shoulder, idk something that makes me double guess myself
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Hey Eli, thanks for your reply! U wont see me in Georgia they got me scheduled for Gary, IN the same time u start in Georgia good luck to u brother! Those kids of yours will think their daddy is one heck of man to pull up in that big truck and be telling all their friends at school how their daddy keeps the world moving, be safe and good luck, u got it man!
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Thanks Rob T. yes sir I agree and acknowledge that they wouldn't bobtail anyone 450 miles just to go home and I thank u for your comment, it never occurred to me what u said about, may have a load going by the house and let me take my 10 hour break there. But I did know that if they say 11to14 out that it'll always be the high end of the 14 side and am aware that it can turn into more, and that's ok. I guess what I was saying was with them saying 11to14 out is it usually more the high end of 14 or the low end of 28 for the majority? And maybe your right maybe I just need to wait til August and my license clears up. I called every company I ran across, that I could go through to get my cdl and go straight in to flatbed with, to find one that would accept me with my license like it is, guess I rushed and then settled. I was really shocked that I passed the permit test on the first time "this past friday" I ain't good studying out of a book. I did study like crazy this past couple of months when I could but when I sat down in front of that computer and started testing none of those questions looked like anything I remembered from the book or practice tests. I swear only about 10 of the questions out of all three tests combined I could remember knowing something about from studying. So yeah maybe I'm just jumping the gun and settling to quick since my license is messed up. Thanks man
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Yes Sir Bruce K. that's what I did, made phone calls like crazy for over a month until I ran across Roehl Transport and they said my tickets were ok and accepted me into their program. Got my permit and DOT physical last week. But that's what I was wondering was do they stick by what they say, that with them 11to14out "give or take a few" before hometime of 3day "a day or two". Or do they just advertise that to hook u in and then expect u to run 3to4 weeks everytime before hometime, I dont care to run extra when needed but i dont want to leave home everytime knowing i got to stay that long everytime.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Hey CT. Yeah Roehl Transport accepted me but that's my question do they stick by their hometime they say 11to14 out with 3 days home? I understand the 14th day can turn into 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th day and that 3 days home can be just a day and a half but is their advertisement of 11to14out and 3home just what they "advertise" to hook u and then once your in expect u to run 3and 4 weeks at a time all the time, thanks for your replay man
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Thanks Old School. I'll check out that article right now, thanks for your time, I know all of yall are busy
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Sorry still gettin use to this not being able to edit my post and typing on a forum, forgive the typos lol I meant I am thankful for all opions and a big thanks to everyone that does or does not Reply
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Roehl national and getting home in south TN
Yes sir thanks Tractor Man that is alot to consider, that's what I told myself in the beginning is I could do it for my kids future but as it draws closer I keep asking myself will they understand one day