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Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I'm Running Out Of Logbook Hours. Need help!
And that's assuming you're not waiting at shippers and/ or receivers, which can also eat up your 14 hour clock, and leave you with less than 11 hours to drive.
I always get blamed by companies when the shippers load time starts to eat in to drive time for the day, "you didn't plan your trip properly" they say. Arrrrggh!!!!
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I'm Running Out Of Logbook Hours. Need help!
But the reality is that unless your in the mountains or a large city your going faster, yet a lot of people use 55mph as if they can't go faster.
I calculate drive time by using the "55mph", I think its a good measurement to use especially when I usually have to go through at least 2 big cities per load. Mind you I am going faster than 55 its only being used for calculations.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I always feel as I'm picking up for the Trucking companies slack, from late dispatches that should have been picked up yesterday, last week or even last month. They even tried to give me a service failure for picking up a load late, even though the pick-up time was before the dispatch time, I took picture of that Qualcomm for proof of dispatch time.
Trailers with faulty door latches, company repair shop refusing to fix or service broken trailers, being blamed for shippper running late on loading trailer, lost trailers due to a glitch in company computer, or even getting in trouble for pulling a trailer that "didn't belong to the company", even though it had their name on the side and had the correct trailer number that matched the manifest.
Battered women have safe havens they can go to, but where is the safe haven for abused drivers?
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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New truck!!