Albuquerque, NM
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Retired DHS/ICE. Former driver for SWIFT Wal-Mart DC
Posted: 6 months, 1 week ago
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Leaving a 10 year old child in a running semi-truck during a break
Good day Drivers,
Just as the title implies. What are your thoughts on leaving a 10 year old in a running semi-truck while the driver takes a shower (30 minutes) at a truck stop?
Posted: 6 months, 1 week ago
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Leaving a 10 year old child in a running semi-truck during a break
Thank you for your input drivers. I had the same conclusions prior to asking the question. I was asking to get validation on the matter. This is why I asked.
I have been raising my grandson since birth, he is now 10. We are going through a contentious custody battle right now. My wife and I have had permanent kinship guardianship since he was 1 1/2 years old. His father (not my son) now wants to be in his life. There is a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) involved and she arranged for my grandson to visit over a weekend in May and again a couple of weeks ago. Both visits he felt it was okay to leave my grandson alone in a running Semi as he took a shower at a Pilot in Albuquerque. I about flipped when I learned of it and I immediately notified the GAL. I am so grateful that nothing bad happened, but I couldn't sleep for some nights thinking of what could have happened.
Again, I appreciate your responses and validation of what a regular person may have thought on the matter. We have court next week. This is definitely going to come up.