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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Thinking about attending a CDL school. I take oral medication only and just had my blood labs drawn 06/18/20 and my a1c is 6.8 So my question or questions are: 1) Does the dot physician/physical test for sugar in blood or urine? 2) Do I even have to tell the physician that I take oral medication. 3) I’ve read on this forum where I should take my latest results with me to the school to give to the physician.
I have never been to an Endocrinologist what so ever, but I’ve also read on here that they will want a medical release from an Endocrinologist or possibly even my personal Dr.
Any suggestions from you all would be a huge help before I leave my Fulltime job now to try an become a commercial driver.
Thanks all and stay safe...!
From my experience, you will go through a series of questions And the nurse gives you tests before seeing the DOT-approved physician. There is at least a question asking about diabetes. And if you mention that to the nurse, s/he will do a urine test to see if you are under control of your glucoses before seeing the doctor; else after seeing the doctor which takes more time. I would recommend you to be honest on your reply...or pay for it dearly. Also, some clinics will desire to see your medications and A1C report before approve you...so you may like to call ahead or be prepared.
If you have diabetes, you will be doing the physical every year instead of every two years which, imho...no biggie.
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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oh well I hope you enjoy your experience in CDL School but once you get on the road your trainer may tell you to forget what you learned in school because this is a different ball game.
SLC is their headquarter for refeer. Yes, Central is part of Swift too. Learn as much as you can to pass the driving test. When you are with your mentor, What you learn in the training school may not apply, like Ryan said, to the real world. Key in point, I have not used my parallel or offset parking skills yet BUT those are the knowledges you need to pass the skill test. (Driving test consists of: pretrip, skill tests and driving.)
Have fun!!
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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Hello everyone.
Quick questions: In the Driver Pulse app, is there a way we can put a personal note in the company we applied for? Currently, I used my note app and had multiple entries in different places.
I heard from another experience driver that there is a Korean trucking company (probably in California). By any chance, anyone know what the name is?
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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FMCSA report
Hello All.
Do you know if the records in the FMCSA report fall off like MVR from DMV after certain date? In 2019, I pulled my report after I was terminated. I know that I had one accident but the report said four. Needless to say, my manager wouldn’t returned my phone calls. The Compliance Dept pointed to my ex-manager…
My other question is do any of you know any company that willing to hire someone that had four accidents in the FMCSA report? TIA!