Valdosta, GA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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I am a 36 year old happily married veteran that is looking into transitioning into a trucking career.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Received my job offer from Rhoel
That sounds great! I am originally from the Jonesboro/Rex area and I have looked into Roehl also. Good Luck! I look forward to hearing all about Roehl
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Your past experience and amount of pyhsical trials have definitely inspired me. I just learned at christmas time that my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung and liver cancer. Bummer of a christmas present. So with that being said my father has invited my wife and children and I to move in with them when I get out, to be close by and to assist with the healing process as we all go through extensive chemo with her, I will use this time to aqquire my CDL, and to use the time to get my family active in the church again. My plan is to be ready to go OTR by year end, moms health will be a factor of course but I really want to drive truck. This is truly a very amazing community of some of the nicest people I have ever come across and the camraderie reminds me a lot of the service. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks again Star and everyone for the advice and kindness. Stay safe out there!
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Congratulations Troy! Good Luck! Stay safe out there.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Thanks Star, I had a feeling that would be the case. I really appreciate the feedback. Do you also have fairly severe T or C spine issues? I only ask because being in pain all the time judging from your reply you also deal with it. How hard has it been for you personally? I am a fairly young 36 years young and unfortunately over 10 years of maintaining military aircraft being constantly contorted and twisted my back is shot. So at the crossroads now trucking seems like it would be a good fit for me. My wife and children are already used to me being away from home a lot and the call of the open road seems like it will help with my pain, stress, and mild ptsd. I am fairly certain that I can and will deal with and overcome my back issues once I have had a chance to distance myself from the military and I can for the first time in a long time reflect on my life and the things I have done while in the military. Thanks again for your help. Stay safe out there!
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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I am generally okay with sitting for long periods, I am currently an NCOIC and there is alot of desk driving involved, but I absolutely HATE IT! I want to get out and live! Yes unfortunately they all make me drowsy But I can manage most days without them. I am currently considering a spinal cord stimulator surgery that would more than likely take care of the pain. Oh and BTW just doing my part.. Thanks alot for your input every little bit of info helps me decide on what course of action to take. Stay safe out there!
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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I know you are out there! I can not see you, but I know you are reading this. I am talking about all of the non registered users who are sneaking around Trucking Truth. What are you waiting for
? You should have signed up last week! You are really missing out on the full potential of the site. I also know you have lots of thoughts and questions running through your mind. There are plenty of us here just waiting to listen or answer. Trucking Truth wants YOU
! I have noticed a various amount of new people posting recently, and for that we thank you! As for the rest of you, it is time to kick it in to gear. Please register and reply to let me know you did! I can not wait to here from you, and I am sure there are others who would back me up!
Hey there, just thought I would prove you wrong! Just came out of the shadows today, liked your post lol.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Hi Everyone! I have been lurking around here for the last few months and I thought it would be a nice time to finally introduce myself. I have been in the Air Force since 2003 and I am nearing the end of a long and difficult period of service. I am being medically separated due to lower and middle back pain due to stenosis and a few other contributing factors. My question is how difficult will it be for me to drive reefer or dry van with mild to severe pain daily? I can manage it with pain medication and I am worried that my meds may disqualify me from anything Class A, OTR. I have worked through the pain in the military for almost 4 years now and I think with minimal loading and unloading I can hack it. I just wanted to see if anyone currently driving can relate to my back issues and how it affects their driving. You guys are always super helpful and I look forward to anything you guys can shed more light on. Stay safe out there!
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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I always found that when I was downrange that if KBR was running chow it was going to be pretty good times.