North Tazewell, VA
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Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 1 year, 4 months ago
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Understanding the split sleeper berth
I know this has probably be asked before and I am sure there is probably a thread discussing this but I’m just too lazy to look for it. LOL So I’m throwing this out there to make sure that I understand the split sleeper berth because I have never used it but in order to do what my company wants I will have to next week.
I have a run to Warren, MI that is 8 1/2 hours away if you drove straight thru. Being over 8 hours I know I must take a 30 min break thus making it a 9 hour trip. I have to leave on Sunday and they want me back Monday evening/night. However, because of obligations I can’t leave out till 2-3 Sunday evening. Another problem is I have 2 pick ups in MI which are 45 min apart. First pick up is at 7 am Monday morning and 2nd is at 11 am Monday morning and then another 8 1/2 back to shop and because of another 30 min break making it 9 hours again.
So my thinking is leave Sunday evening at 2-3 pm and drive taking 9 hours to first pick up arriving at midnight and staying there because they allow parking. Hitting sleeper berth and taking either a 7 hour or 8 hours in the sleeper. Leaving there at 9ish which froze my clock giving me the 2 hours of drive time remaining to get me to second pick up around 10ish for the 11 am pick up. Go back to sleeper berth or off duty for 2 or 3 hours while they load me and when done my 10 hours have been meant and when I go back on duty around noon Monday I should have a full clock minus the hour drive from first pick up and second pick up. This giving me 10 hours of drive time to make it back by midnight Monday/Tuesday? Do I understand this correctly?
Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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I have to head northward Monday for Tuesday pick up and have never been in the Toledo and Detroit areas so was wondering where a safe place to park overnight would be. Was told by others to get out of Detroit before dark because this area was dangerous. I found a Pilot truck stop in Toledo and was wondering if it was safe here? Also planning on getting there Monday around 8ish in the evening and was wondering if that late if it would be hard to find a spot. Thanks for the info!
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Just out of curiosity; what antenna are you using for your CB or which do you recommend? Factory or did you install your own? Looking at install one myself because factory antenna sucks on the 2020 Cascadia.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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The OTR life and bug has gotten to me!
Well it’s been nearly a year since I posted anything because I have been focusing on my driving career. And boy has it been fun! I still drive for a local company and am home virtually evening. However, we do have some customers up in PA and OH we deliver to and a lot of P/U’s in those areas as well. They have sent me up there several times and generally I lay over one night but on one occasion I had to layover for 2 nights. When they approached me and asked me to do this I wasn’t sure I was going to like this but now I can’t get enough of it.
Here is my problem; I love it so much that I have been thinking of leaving this company and going to TMC so I can be out all week. I am married and have children but they are mostly grown. My son has Aspergers and will always be at home and my daughter is in her 3rd year of college. My wife can’t travel with me because of a neck injury from a car wreck several years ago which prevents her from long periods of sitting. Obviously she doesn’t want me gone Monday thru Friday but is supportive in everything I do. Most people tell me I am crazy since I have a driving job that gets me home every night but that feeling of being out there is pulling real hard. What are your thoughts and if you were in my shoes, what would you do?
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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This is why you shut down when sleepy
Regardless of the cause let’s just hope and pray the driver is OK.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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This is why you shut down when sleepy
This is a TMC truck. Listening to the CB chatter it appears he fell asleep and drove it in the ditch.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Brian, what's the entire story? Why were you sent to that place? Inquiring minds want to know!
This is in Indore, WV. I drive for a steel company delivering steel. This is one of our regular stops. This is the first time I took a tractor in there.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Had to back off main road, through a creek/branch, and back up a hill till landing gear bottomed out.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Going from a school bus driver to a tractor trailer driver
Well this may be the only area where I can offer a little help. I, too, transitioned from school bus to tractor. For me, the hardest thing was getting the backing down. The length, wide turns, and all are basically the same just a little wider and longer. My bus was an automatic but I fussed all the time wanting a manual. So the manual part for me was a breeze. Just take your time and take as much room as possible. Best advise given to me when training; take all that you can when turning because you can give a little but if you take too little you can’t take anymore once you have committed.
Posted: 1 year, 4 months ago
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Understanding the split sleeper berth
And this is why this forum is the absolute worst because of smart asses like the freakin moderators. Ask a simple question to rule that many get confused on and haven’t fully understood and get a really dumb response. This forum sucks and I’ll never be back!