Profile For Jack M.

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Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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How old is too old to become a truck driver?

Hey Jack,

Age is not an issue in this industry. I am older than you (not saying by how much!) and encountered no problems in this regard. I had concerns about passing the physical, so I paid for one on my own nickel prior to enrolling in a truck driving school and passed with no problem. However, this is not an easy job, so be prepared for long, erratic hours with lots of solitude (unless you drive team). My over-all experience with Roehl has been good and recommend that you at least talk with them in the process of choosing a company. Good luck to ya!

OK, Thanks! Yeah, Roehl is one of the companies I've been looking at.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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How old is too old to become a truck driver?

OK, Thanks!


I would like some opinions on whether or not I would be wasting my time trying to get into the trucking industry. I'm 60 years old, in very good health and except for being a little overweight, am in good physical condition. I've been retired for 5 years but would like to go to work as a truck driver. I have good credit, an excellent employment history, no criminal history and an unblemished driving record. I would hate to pay for a truck driving school and go through all the training, only to find that trucking companies aren't interested in a 60 year old "recruit". I'm also a little apprehensive about asking this question to a driving school recruiter. I'm sure they would all say "Sure, no problem at all! Will that be cash, or check?" Thanks!


Welcome to TT, Jack!

I, too, am an old guy. I will be 60 next month. Age does not seem to be a factor in this industry. I figure to have another 15 years or better. You will hear from the experts here that age is more times preferred as older drivers are more mature and do not get easily rattled. As long as you are healthy and alert, along with having the desired attitude to driving, you can drive as long as you want! But I'll let the experienced drivers tell you that. I am making a major relocation from Germany to the USA just to get into this field. I can hardly wait to get back and get started. You will do fine!

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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How old is too old to become a truck driver?

Jack, Don't even let it concern you. I got hired into the industry at 53, and the very same week I got hired another gentleman in our group who was 73 got on board also! If you can do the job and pass the fairly simple physical you won't have a problem getting your first truck driving job.

Thanks, buddy!

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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How old is too old to become a truck driver?


I first started in 1986. I met a driver who was 76 with his own truck and life history of beautiful experiences and vast wisdom. Driving is one of those life choices that you can continue until you can't. Go for it Jack. Many companies are looking for us matured folks. I just started a logging career at 51. My muscles hate it, but I love it.

Try a technical school out. You can get most of it paid for through grants. Very little out of pocket. And the school experience and setting is a blast.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Thanks for the response and the advice!

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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How old is too old to become a truck driver?

I would like some opinions on whether or not I would be wasting my time trying to get into the trucking industry. I'm 60 years old, in very good health and except for being a little overweight, am in good physical condition. I've been retired for 5 years but would like to go to work as a truck driver. I have good credit, an excellent employment history, no criminal history and an unblemished driving record. I would hate to pay for a truck driving school and go through all the training, only to find that trucking companies aren't interested in a 60 year old "recruit". I'm also a little apprehensive about asking this question to a driving school recruiter. I'm sure they would all say "Sure, no problem at all! Will that be cash, or check?" Thanks!

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