Profile For Zach T.

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    5 years, 10 months ago

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Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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Repeated/Constant Transmission Failure

Truck has been failing to grab or maintain gear everytime I have a heavy load in traffic even after repairs are made to transmission. What could be the cause of this?

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Hauling drywall mud buckets/ joint compound

Most of the time I deliver anything on pallets, it's to places like a building supply company that only has the ability to receive flatbeds.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Hauling drywall mud buckets/ joint compound

I know I'm being dramatic. Thank you guys, I really just wanted to start a topic on these for younger drivers googling these buckets for when they eventually have a load shift from them.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Hauling drywall mud buckets/ joint compound

Also, load under tarp was shrinkwrapped and palletized. The pallets they use are too small and not enough shrinkwrap is applied every time.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Hauling drywall mud buckets/ joint compound

I had V-boards. The issue isnt lateral motion, but forward and backward. USG stuffs these on smooth pallets that are too small for the 48 buckets per pallet. I've been driving a while and spent time as a trainer, too. I'm not gonna say I know everything, but I will defend myself on grounds of these loads being sketchy. I've delivered them a dozen times or more without issue. I x-strap the top front and put up pipe stakes every time as a precaution. The 3 times theyve fallen forward have been: shrinkwrap failure under strap causing side slump, braking on a downhill at 35mph within 60ft (not hard braking, but not super smooth, either), and the shrinkwrap failure load falling over a second time on the way to the nearest USG. I'm just tired of dealing with a load that no matter how many precautions I take, I'm leaving potential refusal up to luck.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Hauling drywall mud buckets/ joint compound

Do any of y'all have tips to keep these buckets from collapsing over at the slightest pothole? They're horrible to haul. I've hauled these about 10 or 15 times and still haven't figured out how to be absolutely sure the stuff won't fall over. I x- strap, put up pipe stakes, belly strap, and put on edge protectors, but it seems that none of that matters and what determines whether or not I'm gonna lose the load is luck. Of that 10 or 15, only 3 have fallen over. The culprit each time has been a particularly rough series of potholes in 2 cases, and a hard braking car in front of after a section of road with obstructed view in Prince William VA. I drive extra cautiously with them, under the speed limit and with extra follow distance, but it just doesn't work. That said, after today, I'm gonna start refusing these. They're not worth risking my license over.

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