Profile For Matt K.

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    5 years, 9 months ago

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Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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I am interested in owner op

I am interested in the idea of owning my own commercial vehicle someday and I am just gathering information before I make the big decision. One thing that scares me is that it seems every driver I ask seems to think it's not worth it anymore and it's better off being a company driver. I like to think that those are lazy drivers who don't want to work any more.

Two drivers so, far have peaked my interest and gave me quite a bit of information (i.e. leases, insurances, what state is best for leases).

I already have the gist of the accounting side. What I need to know is:

1.) Would it benefit to hire a lawyer to help me setting up my contract?

2.) What tools could me research where the money is at on hauls?

3.) How could I determine what kind of bookie I am dealing with and also, how do I know if I am getting hosed?

4.) Along with leases, insurances (both health and commodity), maintenance... what other payments go along with being an owner OP?

5.) Are there online classes I could take to prepare myself for this endeavor?

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I really need advice about my future

All right here it is... I don't think I'm cut out for trucking... I've only been driving for a year and I don't know what happened...

So, I started with Melton truck lines and when I was driving for them, thing were great! I was already building myself to be a legend with the company... Except... I hated the home time... I stayed with them for only 5 months. Being out months on end and getting only 9 days home... No, couldn't do it. However, exemplary record! No problems! Almost as if I was meant for it...

After leaving Melton I went to my current employer of whom I will not mention... I blew up! Every mistake one can make I have made under this company. The only thing I haven't done is hit anyone... GOD PLEASE DON'T LET ME HIT ANYONE!!!

To give you an idea (I'm 31 by the way)... My entire life I never even so, much as been pulled over by the police... About a month ago, Got a speeding ticket in New York (17 miles over the speed limit)... Yikes!

Dropped trailers twice both times because I didn't back underneath the trailer hard enough... (So, the fifth wheel didn't fully engage) I fixed that problem... After the second one which happened in a yard and was told by an experienced driver what I did wrong, I'm confident that's not an issue anymore. I was over the road when the first one happened... In a peterbilt parking lot...

Even, worse... God forbid if I lose my job... I've driven nothing but, automatics since joining the fleet. My license says I can drive manual but, I can't...

I don't know anymore... I know nothing... My anxiety and stress is increasing and it seems like as my anxiety goes up so, is my likelihood of making mistakes...

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