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Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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European truck driver (German) Driving in the US?




Thanks for the answers.

What just bothers me is, that on my driversliecens it, states that its an International drivers licens, not only european licens, and that we are actually taught here in the EU, that out licens, can be use everywhere in the world!? Well well, anyhow, it is what it is :) And yet again, i thank for the answers.

Kind regards



I didn't know there is something called international license. You can get international permit and use it with your state issued license while traveling. But it is only for personal vehicles and rental cars. I never heard anything about international commercial license or permit.


International, in his case - may apply to drivers that are license for EU - and need to travel in non-EU signatory countries.


Exatly, But as we are taught, it should be valid International, so everywhere, but then again, ill call the embassy tomorrow, to get clarification on this matter once and for all, since im allways finding different answers everywhere, hehe :P Anyhow, here in Germany we also have a National drivers licens, wich means you are only allowed to drive inside Germany. But i will definetly let ya all know tomorrow, when i know more. Also have other questions to the embassy, since me and my wife are considering moving to the US :)

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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European truck driver (German) Driving in the US?

Thanks for the answers.

What just bothers me is, that on my driversliecens it, states that its an International drivers licens, not only european licens, and that we are actually taught here in the EU, that out licens, can be use everywhere in the world!? Well well, anyhow, it is what it is :) And yet again, i thank for the answers.

Kind regards

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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European truck driver (German) Driving in the US?

Hello people.

This might have been asked before, but i havent been able to find anything about it, so here goes. Ever since i started trucking, around 2-3 years ago, i've been wanting to try, the American way of Trucking. My sitiuation? i can't find anything any where, on the requirements on drivers liecens or any rules, regarding. I allready have a CDL (CE as it's called here in the EU) And i've have had it the past 2-3 years, plus i've been driving the past 2. My normal drivers licens for car (our B as it's called here) ive had for allmost 10 years, both with a clean history. No damagde, no DUI, no accidents and so on. My drivers liecens is German, allso categorized as International Liecens, and i allso have a "EU allowens" as it's called here, wich Basically just allows me to transport goods thats no mine so to say. Could i actually just get over there, with visa, job and so on in order and start driving?

Thanks ahead people, have a nice one :)

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