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Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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New Swift Driver Wanting to Switch
Ray, it DOES indeed get easier as you learn the job over the next year. When I first went solo, I'd be so exhausted at the end of every shift.. too tired to eat, too tired to shower.. I'd just go to bed, then wake up and take care of personal needs then do it again.
Your time management will get better too. One day you'll realize that it isn't nearly as tough anymore and you have more time on your breaks to take care of yourself. I used that 3 hour cushion on my HOS to "hide" my rookie inefficiency till I got better at managing everything .
Hang in there! You can do this.
Yeah I'm experiencing this...working til the last minute almost, then having to use off duty driving to get to a rest stop after my delivery
My first dispatch I had to do two uturns...learning not to trust Qualcomm...was so embarrassed when it happened I almost cried
Glad it was a Sunday and not busy
Thought I'd have to call on road to pull me out of a gravel yard...thought thr skirt was gonna rip off when I was backing out to do an "three-point" uturn in an elevated gravel pit then thought I was screwed when the road was closed due to flooding in Illinois and I had to back up to do a uturn
I've read stories of how other's first day were so I don't feel as bad. Backing is somewhat getting easier but I had to have someone fix my back twice at a load drop off...a bit embarrassing, got chased out before I could send my empty call and it just had me so flustered
Almost gave up once because it took over 2 hours to get my weights legal. I'm glad a veteran driver stopped to help else I'd have been screwed
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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New Swift Driver Wanting to Switch
Well I haven't been home in what's going on my 8th week, haven't been able to grab my things...maybe that's adding to the frustration.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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New Swift Driver Wanting to Switch
Sorry for the late response, the company gave me very tight deadlines for my first 2 loads and I was late both times., couldn't help not being late. They gave me an 8 hours window to drive 583 miles...the first load I was late because the tractor I was given was leaning one way, and the frame was twisted. Been sitting at least a third of the time at the moment...
Maybe it is like you've said, I'm still adjusting. They put me in a 2016 Freightliner and my anxiety is skyrocketing because of the safety blitz.
My recruiter gave me wrong information so I was kinda roped into the dedicated account my mentor was on which is Otr one way and dedicated the other way. I really do want to stick it out at least 6 months...please tell me it gets better lol
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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New Swift Driver Wanting to Switch
Hey all, been browsing this site for awhile and decided to train at Swift...finished schooling and mentorship and am in my 2nd week of solo driving. My question is, how do I go about asking to switch to a pure dedicated account where I can get home weekly or every other week?
I'm also considering switching companies, solo driver on a dedicated or regional account where I can get home weekly or every other week. Any input on where to go? Just so frustrated with Swift right now...I just don't know what to do but know that I'm frustrated with the company and my friend is considering leaving too...
Any input would be greatly appreciated!!
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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New Swift Driver Wanting to Switch
Thank you so much everyone for the support!! I feel myself a bit calmer and more collected with each dispatch, even though I'm just about to wrap up my third!!
When I got stuck, I did try to force through a resolution at first, but stopping for a few moments and figuring out a resolution was what saved my butt!! I told my DM I was going to be late but didn't send the macro. Even though I tell him, I should still send the macro right? Learning still!!
Today, I found out the hard way that my fuel sensor is bad on the 2016 Freightliner I drive while going southbound on Wyoming 267? Right in the middle of construction lol...showed I had over a quarter tank of fuel and the truck died...construction vehicle had to push me up and off the road lol
I ordered a Ran McNally but sent it to the house. I hear using Google Maps to see where ur going for delivering or loading helps which I'll have to do tomorrow. Has anyone used Sygic truck gps before? Was just curious if you had any feedback on the app.