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Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Cannabis Testing, Swift, NYC Ban on Cannabis Testing

What a hilarious stream of commentary..

First of all, using cannabis in your off time does not cause a safety hazard when you are not under its direct influence. Therefore it is not logical to bar use of cannabis at all in my opinion. Secondly, all driving tests where cannabis was actively altering the driver's minds has resulted in NO change to driver safety except in some cases where people have never used it before in their lives and it caused some deviation for them.

The logic that I see in some threads is that driving while under the influence of opiates, alcohol, etc. relates to using cannabis within 30-90 days of a drug test. You cannot be 'high' for 30-90 days for using cannabis once. It is not a safety hazard for people who ever have used cannabis as it is not a safety hazard for someone who is not drinking while driving. The ignorance about cannabis usage and driving safety is much more rampant than I would have imagined for a field which is so filled with those who are safety conscious. I agree that use of Ambient, alcohol, opiates and even cannabis should be disallowed while driving for safety reasons (despite studies indicated cannabis may be safe to drive with-- I'd like to see someone prove this wrong and cite their own study? Go for it) but use of it during off hours is not dangerous at all and it is a legal medication in most or many states. I won't bother to see if we're over 26 states with legal medical and / or recreational cannabis but it is not more dangerous than alcohol to use when you are not driving.

Calling me stupid for putting this up is forcing me to challenge those to a debate about the safety issues of cannabis. I am calling you ignorant, unintelligent, aggressive, rude and impractical.

Cannabis was banned initially because it was the first fuel for automobiles. It is still the best fuel for automobiles in my opinion.

Cannabis is a cousin of hops and CBD's are contained in beers and ales. Your body produces cannabinoids and requires them. Cannabis is also a food which is ideal for human consumption. Cannabis relieves stress, pain, PTSD, can settle autistics and seizure ridden afflictions when nothing else can. Cannabis was used commonly by horse and buggy drivers before anyone had a stigmatic opinion about it which resulted from vast disinformation in the 20th century which was paid for by Standard Oil.

Thus I cannot really entertain much recognition for the merits of most responses because they are not logical, enlightened, scientifically accurate or interesting. It will not be much of a problem for me to pass a urine test soon and when the time comes I can pass a blood, hair follicle or any test. Then there will be no issue. I do not need to use cannabis but many do and in my opinion it is harmful to the trucking industry, to this country to bar it from any person with any occupation because it simply is not the government's business to stop people from using medications which are not safety issues and which work for them.

If we are in a free country, then we can use what is legal here, what is inexpensive, what works, what is natural, what is our choice-- when we are not working. Alcohol is more dangerous than cannabis-- period.

Thanks so much for your time.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Cannabis Testing, Swift, NYC Ban on Cannabis Testing

I am wondering how trucking companies get away with discrimination for those who use prescribed medications? My qualification for Swift was just reversed since I explained to the recruiter that I used marijuana under Doctor's advice for just a few days. She said in THREE YEARS I could re-apply! Excuse me but my driving record on my job (which is not CDL but is a driving job, 75 hours a week...) is still perfect and my service record is also the maximum, which is rare for the amount of work I do. So it's not a safety issue directly and it's legal in my State, it's under a Doctor's direction and it was a very brief usage. Now I cannot earn a living and support my family? What country is this again? I'll be able to pass a urine test within a week or two and a hair follicle test within about two more months. At that time, I cannot work for Swift. I've heard Swift is not the best outfit but it's quite a slap in the face.

For those who are not aware, NYC just banned testing for cannabis for most jobs. This does not stop Federal DOT testing but does inhibit it for anything but certain medical caregiver, construction and a few other jobs.

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