Montrose , CO
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Signs, signs everywhere a sign Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind Do this don't do that Can't you read the sign.....
Not sure how old you are but those are lyrics to an old song from the 70's
When I was a mentor that was my biggest pet peeve. You have to read EVERY SIGN ON THE ROADWAY. Bridge height Lane of travel Speed zones etc etc etc. Signs will help keep you and the "motoring public" safe. You were fortunate for the warning. Best of luck to you in finishing your TraiNing and going solo Watch them signs!
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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Best Phone Dock or Mount for truckers
I have a velcro patch on a blank space on my dash and another on the back of my phone. Also I have one by my bunk. I think I paid about fifty cents for all of it. If I want to add places for my phone to go..... voila another velcro patch.
Posted: 8 years ago
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There is a great one at "Jan's Cafe" in Lima Montana. Exit 15 on I15. They call it the porky. Best I've had west of the big muddy river.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Good old truck music for all the trucking
Six days on the road Taj Mahal Best version ever!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Decisions decisions... to drive or not to drive
Hey Rainy D Was just checking the tt tracker for anyone near me to invite for prime rib. Sorry you are about 300 miles away in Rawlins and thought "what is she doing out here?" I drive that stretch from Rawlins to Utah a lot and all I can say is listen to wydot. That whole I80 thru wy. Is a tough piece of road especially in the winter. Storms can blow up out of nowhere. If you're comfortable driving take it easy and cautious. If not stay put. I've seen WAY too many tractor trailers taking a nap out there. Wish you were closer I'd come get ya to spend the holiday with my family. Merriest of Christmas to you and sorry you're shut down on the holidays Such is the bizarre life we lead
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Swift regional routes living in Montana
Paul is correct. I drive the Walmart acct out of Corrine. We service the Butte, Bozeman,Helena, Great Falls and Havre stores in Montana. Havre be g our longest run at 1230 miles round trip. Great place to run out of. Good people on the fleet and in the office and a great shop.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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My first week on the East Coast
Hey Paul W I wish I had known you were in Corrine last week. I am dedicated here and have been for about 2 1/2 years. Most of us Wm DC dedicates love our dc's. I live in Montrose Co so I nearly always get home for my 34 break. I was born in Montana and now live in Co. So driving in the mountains is really in my comfort zone. If you or anyone on here ever gets back to Corrine Ut. Wm dc. I'm the guy in the charcoal grey t680 with the flying pig hood ornament. Knock on the door, I'll cook breakfast (or lunch or dinner). We always have something on the grill. Any TT'S are certainly welcome Winter is upon now. Drove thru the 1st snow of the season today coming back from LV NV. For any swifties that are thinking about a dedicated run in the Rockies, we run In to Idaho, Montana, Western Colorado, Southern Wyoming most of Utah and all of Las Vegas. I average 2900 to 3200 per week. Best week was 3755. All solo miles. And yes. Most trips are 2 days out then you can take a local SLC trip when you get back and avg. 500 plus a day.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I've been the tumbleweed for 40 yrs. Since back in the 70s. I've always found it interesting that you can have a Harvard English major from Massachusetts, give him a cb Mike and in 10 seconds he sounds like a hillbilly with a mouthful of marbles.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Valley of Fire Moapa Piaute travel plaza. Just north of Vegas. Tons of parking , liquor store and big boy fireworks I can sit in my truck and watch the drunks blow themselves up. If you fuel you get a free breakfast and a shower. I shut down here about twice a week
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Almost Embarrassed to Post Picture
Me too. Small envelope with 2 sets of keys. Illinois to Phoenix. Crossed 2 load straps from side to side in the trailer and hung them from the x in the middle.
A different load from Seattle to Great Falls Mt. 1 refrigerator and 2 hoses in a 53 ft trailer