Profile For Joe M.

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Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Need some advice please.

So I need some advice on a situation. I recently got my CDL a few months ago for my career after my transition out of the Army(I am on transition leave right now). A couple weeks ago I had a sudden black out while driving resulting in a crash. Ended up in the hospital and all that, When I came to. My first thought was did I hurt anyone else (thankfully i was the only one who ended up in the hospital) with only bruises and scraps. Next my thought was it anything that would affect my CDL since this is my only plan after the army and I got a family to take care of....the doc did all the scans and tests said it was nothing like a seizure or anything that shouldn't cause an issue like was a black out due to complete exhaustion,stress. which made sense as I've just uprooted my family and everything I've known for 13 years and moved across the country to start over. I wasnt taking any medication at the time, I had a full night sleep the night before. Didnt feel dizzy or weird before hand either...i remember exiting the freeway and then waking up in the hospital.

Since the crash I've had more tests just to make sure....still all normal I'm as healthy as I was before hand.

3 weeks later I got a ticket in the mail for running a red light, and fail to drive in single lane resulting in a crash. I'm supposed to start my new job soon I've had a near spotless driving record before all this last at fault wreck I had was 2002 and my last ticket was almost 5 years ago.

My question is how bad will this effect my ability to be hired If I just accept it and pay what is demanded, I was also told to get a traffic lawyer to fight it. Since is was a sudden medical issue. I have no issue paying or fighting I'm just extremely worried about the effect it will have on potentially not being able to drive. Like I said this was my main plan for getting out the army and I've busted my ass to get everything thing into position. And now it seems like I can lose all of that.

Any and all advice is welcome. Thank you

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