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Posted: 11 years ago
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Richard, I would really recommend that you go ahead and get your class A license. You just never know what opportunities might open up for you, and that Class B isn't usually worth a whole lot in terms of earning potential. Even if you already have a class B job lined up I would still go for the whole enchilada - you are already forking out the money and time, why not just go ahead and get something that will open a lot more doors of opportunity for you?
With all due respect man, I have a great job lined up driving a straight truck, I really don't wanna drive a semi if I really don't have to. In fact my employer advised me against it because of their hours and pay rate being worse. Strictly getting a Class B forces me into a certain route and truck type I and he would prefer I took.
I appreciate your concern though.
Posted: 11 years ago
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What constitutes general knowledge? What parts of Training Program should I go over?
Posted: 11 years ago
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I need to take the written test for my permit for a class B straight truck, obviously theres a lot covered that I do not need to study and I really need to save time because I need to start training asap.
Thanks in advance, loving the site so far.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Need advise on a Truck GPS.
You guys have any recommendations for a good Truck GPS, one that lets me type in my height, width, weight, of my truck so i can avoid low bridges and roads that have weight restrictions. I live in Chicago, and they constantly repave roads and such so underpasses are constantly changing heights and stuff like that.