Profile For Callie S.

Callie S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Florence, KY

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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    5 years, 3 months ago

Callie S.'s Bio

Grew up around trucks as my dad was a heavy duty diesel mechanic. Currently dating a truck driver...feel well suited for this as I'm fairly independent...actually considering getting my CDLs and maybe teaming up with my love some day...i can't have kids and my little min pin has good road legs so why here trying to learn as much as I can about trucking, and to get advice from female drivers and the significant others of the drivers on how to make my relationship work...i want to give it my all!

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Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Failed my this the end?

Thank you...for all the in put. I take my responsabilty in my failing the backing. I did feel I wasn't listened to when I told them I wasn't ready to test...I have been practicing backing since I drove alot more confident since the last two days of training I received. Walt at NADTA was the best trainer I encountered, I was placed with him the last two days. I just felt I needed more time to grasp the concepts and they were not able to do that due to staffing issues, and I do feel that the training needed more consistency. If I had known I wasn't going to get the same amount of practice following the loosing of the drug test, I would have left and went elsewhere, but I was told they couldn't make up for those lost days when I spoke with the director before the first test. I'm a hard worker and have always done well in any position I've trained for and worked in. I put myself through college and I have 5 degrees. If you truly knew me you would understand who I am and that I'm relentless in getting what I want in life. I will not give up on will be a reality for me...I will get my CDL...I WILL BE A TRUCK DRIVER!

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Failed my this the end?

I want to father died a week before his first long haul...Ihaul...I have no real need for CRST, it's just that that I'm being rejected when I apply to other traing programs, I wasn't being rejected before. I'm trying to figure out how to get other companies to accept me. I've no criminal back ground, no tickets, no at fault accidents a current permit and med card. Yes I failed BUT I also learned finally at the end how to back. Thanks to Walt , I figured it out! He helped me so much and if I'd had a chance to practice all 3 moves as on the testing area I know I would have passed my final test...but I how to get into another school!!


I want to be a truck driver more than anything in my life.


No, you want to be a truck driver for CRST more than anything in your life. They said no. You keep going on about them. You won't let it go. It's game over now.

If you are willing to forget the name CRST and try applying to multiple other companies, then the quotation above will be closer to the truth. How many companies have you applied to since CRST sent you on your way?

Callie, if we take everything you say at face value - they lost your drug test, instructor was too inexperienced, unprofessional behavior from the management, equipment breaking down, etc. - one has to ask... Why in the world would you want to work for such a hypothetically unprofessional outfit? Certainly you dodged a bullet when they released you, didn't you? Here's your big chance to go somewhere better, yet you are complaining that they won't take you back? You're just wasting more time and that isn't doing your suffering family any good.

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Failed my this the end?

I have submitted applications to other being rejected! They must have observed some form of determination as they allowed me to test 10 times. I agree that I struggled however was I suppose to hop in a truck and start backing without the instructors? The last two days I was there an instructor named Walt instructed me and guess what it all clicked. I was able to preform an Alley dock with zero points on test 9...yet I acquired 14 points on Straight had been over 2 weeks since I'd straight lined...test 10 I pointed out because I had to reset but I did get my Alley dock completed, I gave a thumbs up after setting my breaks and went to pull out and accidently put in reverse and pulled past the boxhe pointed me that was it...Walt while a bit crude was an excellent not trying to ***** about the lack of training...but they lost the drug test...not my fault...they didn't give me those 3 days worth of practice I missed they did force me to test on their schedule even though I told the director I was not ready to ****ed off at myself and frustrated that they refuse to allow me to come back. I came here to find out if this rejection was normal after attending a company sponsored program.ive been to two private schools locally and called the local community college about classes. I don't have the money to pay for Napier or drive 160 ( although drive 160 does have a payment plan available, it's not do able at this time) PAM, Swift and Wilson all said that I wasn't able to be accepted at this gladly pay CRST if I owe them, they haven't sent a bill as of yet. I was told by a recruiter that I didn't have to pay them for the training because I failed...but that I do owe for room and board ( which I hardly ate) and I owe for drug test fees and the med exam. I'm trying to figure out how to get back to CRST to fulfil the supposed contract or how to go elsewhere...ive been asking owner operators to train me...offering to pay them...all I really need is an automatic semi to take the test on and I know damn well I'd pass this time!

Callie, listen to yourself. You have got tons of excuses.

"They lost my drug test."

"I got started late."

"My instructor was new."

Look, I'm sorry about your disappointment. You sound like Doug. You and he always came back to this line...


I showed improvement.


Would it surprise you if I said it wasn't improvement that they were wanting to see? I think you and Doug were lacking the same thing. It's something my grandpa called "grit." That is a fierce determination to get something done. It's totally different than just saying...


I want to be a truck driver more than anything in my life.


Let me explain it. When Doug had his disappointment at CRST he did nothing but tell others about it. Kind of like you are doing. I kept expecting to hear him say something like, "I've moved on and I'm over at company "X" now - I'm determined to make this happen." He never did that. You seem content to just keep blaming the issues on CRST. That gets you nowhere.

You made this unusual statement for a person who couldn't pass the tests...


I came into this knowing it was going to be hard. In fact it was much simpler than I expected.



I think you've completely misunderstood what is required to make it in this career, and I'm quite sure that the folks at CRST saw that lack of fortitude. I'm sorry to sound harsh. I went through plenty of disappointment myself when starting this career. I got sent home like you did from three different orientations. I never let even a week go by without getting back in the game. I never blamed anybody. I kept moving forward until I got what I came for.

Get on the phone. Pay your contract if you owe it. Do whatever it takes. Move on girl. That's what will tell me you really want this.

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Leaving For School On Midnight May 4th

Omg....iOmg....i had these things happen too....itoo....i actually have pictures of dangerous equipment ( tires with bolts and bulging in them) that I was told would be a learning experience......things I found during pretrips...also during one test as I got in I noticed the check engine light was on, I informed the instructor and was told it was ok and to continue the test...i got halfway through my alley dock and the motor shut down...i immediately pull the breaks and put it in neutral and called the instructor over...the next time I tested as I was walking back from a GOAL I noticed the electrical connection and glad hands were not attached to the trailer...i immediately notified the instructor who was testing me...i was told to climb into the truck and that they would fix them...this is very strange as I was also told I couldn't return. I tested out all 10 tests...but I observed others who got to continue or return after having failed multiple times.

Errol, here is the situation, they dismissed me and I can't go back to finish. I wrote the school director and asked him to explain why this happened when two of my instructors told me I was improving. In fact on my last mock test I passed with 9 points and was told if it had been the actual test I would have passed. However, I was not allowed to take the test again. To date I have not received any statement from the school or a reply to explain the situation.

Everything seemed to be going fine until I witnessed a serious safety violation where one of the students could have been seriously injured or worse. I reported this to the instructor and he blew me off. I then reported the incident to the lead instructor for the day. That was Saturday, I was called into the office and dismissed early Monday morning.

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Failed my this the end?

I tried every single day, I showed improvement. I asked for backing chances. I came into this knowing it was going to be hard. In fact it was much simpler than I expected. I want to be a truck driver more than anything in my life. I stayed after class to observe and I followed the instructors around listening and asking questions. I also do have a slight learning disability ( even though I have a high IQ). I took notes and asked for other oportunities to practice. It sometimes takes longer for new concepts to click. As for the school, my primary backing instructor was new to the school, he had stated he had not even had his CDL for a full year and had been at the school for approximately 11 days. My first day of backing was 3 days later than the rest of my class because they lost my drug test. The instructor stood in front of the truck pointing left and right and I kept turning the wheel to far...he got frustrated told me to move over and showed me that it was as easy as pulling forward and backing straight back with no hands on the wheel...I told the instructor I wasn't sure how to set the seat or mirrors correctly and was told that didn't does and did!...I observed the next class and was amazed by the instructors giving them each 3 straight line backing chances the first day and at least a left and right off set each that same day...not all the instructors are the same. Some were awesome others well they needed to learn how to teach. One of the instructors even admitted to padding the amount of time I'd backed and driven so he could have more opportunity to test students. I truly want to learn this. And in fact my last two days I learned how to do all 3 maneuvers but never got to practice them together. CRST is excellent if someone has natural abilities but those of us who need to be truly taught well it's not the best place.


I was told by the director that " no amount of practice would help me"


according to CRST I'm not under contract with them since they failed to train me effectively.


Those two statements are really at odds with each other. I'm not sure what really took place here. I'm hearing a lot of blame being put on the poor training, but CRST has been getting all kinds of people trained for years.

When I hear bizarre experiences like this I'm pretty certain something is amiss.

Truck driver training is never what people expect it to be. There is very little time spent behind the wheel before testing. It's fast paced, and it's expected that we learn a lot by observing the others in our course. Personal responsibility is a highly valued trait in this career. The lack of it often shows itself rather quickly in a training situation. Judging just by the comments here, I'm guessing Callie was not prepared for this.

She complains that she wasn't taught to straight line back, and then says...


Prior to testing I was allowed to straight line a total of 3 times


That's precisely what I did in truck driving school. Three straight line backs before testing. That's enough to get the concept.

I'm aggravated with myself for even commenting here. I realize I sound harsh. Friends when you sign up to be a truck driver you must get your game face on. This is full blown competition out here. You've got to make yourself stand out. Callie's experience definitely reminds me of Doug's. I never could see any real determination or drive to excel in his comments, and I tried to goad him in that direction.

In training you've got to own it and make something happen. I honestly think that's what the instructors are looking for. They certainly aren't looking for skills, because nobody has them at that point. They are looking to see if you have the personality to persevere and push yourself beyond your comfort levels. That's what new rookie drivers will be doing on a daily basis for the next year. I'm fairly certain this is what was lacking on Callie's part. She wanted to have her hand held, but they wanted to see her show some serious desire to "git 'er done."

Posted:  5 years ago

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Failed my this the end?

what happened to Doug? And according to CRST I'm not under contract with them since they failed to train me effectively.They told me I couldn't return until I got my CDL.

Sounds like nearly th he same thing that happened with Doug a few months ago.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Failed my this the end?

Prior to testing I was allowed to straight line a total of 3 times, off set 2 times and alley dock about 5 times, then for each day of testing I was allowed 1 practice alley dock before testing, I drove for a total of 11/2 hrs prior to testing...most of my time spent at the school was self study PTI and observation. When it came to the testing I'd never been able to practice all moves on the testing area and of course the switched testing location each day. I also had a motor that malfunctioned during testing ( I told instructor prior to testing that the check engine light was on and was told to continue using the truck) the trucks motor subsequently died during testing and wouldn't stay on...another time when I began testing I noticed the glad hands were not attached and had to attach them causing me to loose time. Ultimately yes I failed my backing 10 times...3 of those I was able to get past the Alley dock, the rest I gave up because I had difficulty resetting after being told to reset, nobody had ever had me set my self up during practice and I'd never reset before. Prior to test 9 I was given an instructor that made it all click and I preformed a perfect Alley dock with zero points...but I'd never been told how to straight line...and I laughingly pointed out on straight line...i never made it to off set....they didn't have us practice until we understood it...and it didn't help that I was 3 days behind everyone else because they lost my drug test...

Please forgive my misunderstanding. Are you saying you completed a 160-hour course (with the exception of testing) and then you were given tests each day for ten days and were unable to pass nine times?

Are you also saying that, from a stopped location, directly in front of a parking spot or dock, you could not back straight into the hole, using no more than two get-out-and-looks?

I’m just trying to get a better understanding.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Failed my this the end?

I was at CRSTs NATDA . I spoke up I told them I needed more practice. In fact I was told by the director that " no amount of practice would help me" but being allowed one chance a day to practice most of that was alley dock wasn't enough. I even asked for a day off from testing but I was refused. We attended classes 6am to 6pm (except for days after tests...they told us to leave...i wouldn't I stayed to observe and begged for chances to back). So before I left I asked about what to do next, I'd been told I could return in 30 days by instructors, and then I was told to get a hold of my recruiter to get a return date. But when I did she said 6 months initally then she said that I hadn't been told 30 days and that I can't return. I've applied elsewhere and was told I am unable to be accepted at this time.

Which company's training program did you go to? There may be other companies who will give you a chance. When at trucking school it is up to you to speak up and get the help you need.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Failed my this the end?

So I attended a company sponsored traing experience to say the least was disappointing. I passed pretrip no problem, but I knew I wasn't prepared for the backing portion, I explained to the director that I wasn't prepared to test that I was unable to even do straight line backing that I hadn't had enough practice on backing, the response I was given was "it doesn't matter , you have to test even if you aren't ready". I stood there confused, but I stayed the rest of the day hoping to get a chance to back a second chance came. The next day I was half way through a mock test when I was told to report for testing...I failed...over the next 9 days they continued to test me even though I insisted I needed more practice. On day 9 of testing I had an instructor who made backing click and I did a zero point Alley dock...but they failed to teach me straight line...i acquired 14 points on straight 10 I completed Alley dock but failed as I pointed out at the last moment on Alley dock...I was so nervous because of the had to reset so I was short on time...I was sent home after this fail...i was told I could return in 30 days...but after speaking to the recruiter I was told no. So I began to apply for other company programs, but it seems I'm being denied the chance to redeem myself. This school allowed me to do 1 chance to back each day...and some days none...after testing began they allowed one before testing and sent us back to dorms after testing...i hung around most days just to see if I could get a chance to only happened once...I know I can do the backing now but no company seems to want me in their program and I can not afford school on my own. I'm at a loss, I put my life on hold to do family is suffering because I took time off work and now it was all for nothing... I feel defeated and let down. I don't understand why I was forced to test when I wasn't ready. I had 3 less days of backing than the rest of my class because they lost my drug test...wasnt given any more time to prepare. I got to drive 4 times I believe maybe 5 I was 5 days behind the rest of my class on that.. I need advise as to what to do, is there a testing limit? I live in KY and the testing was done in Iowa.

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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New to this...trying to figure out how to get started

I expect him to be hard on me...i want to do this right...and yes I have alot of the same questions y'all mentioned. Since he is my best friend not boy friend then I don't think it should be to much of an issue. He initially told me that I made him board talking about the industry...he works for Pegasus which is owned by CRST...some of what he was saying didn't make much sense to me. I've already been studying to take the permit test...and I've actually considered applying with a company sponsored training program but it wasn't until he said he thought I could do this that I really believed I could...i called him earlier today but he didn't clarify any info.

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