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Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Doctor took my CDL. Trying to get it back.
I've been driving a Class B for about 6 years now. No accidents personal or DOT. No speeding tickets or DUI.
I was on Suboxone for basically the whole time. My company changed doctors and I got a ignant.
I gave her published studies, my PCPs note of approval, my perfect record etc etc. So she takes my license and calls it risk of relapse. That's the best she could come up with bless her heart. Ive never relapsed in 6 years.
So I decided to do the exact opposite and quit that medication completely. Its been a little over 2 months since I dropped it completely and I'm doing great. Now I want my job back but it wondering if there are any standards that forbid a driver from holding a CDL that is not on any disqualifing medications but have been in the past?
Will she tell me I haven't been off it long enough and that I'm still likely to relapse or can that be legally justified? Anyone who knows anything about this I would really appreciate your input. Sorry if I seem a bit sore about it.
Should I just give up my CDL and find other work even though I'm completely healthy now with 0 risk?
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Doctor took my CDL. Trying to get it back.
Thanks for your reply. That cleared up alot for me. I'm on mobile so my reply is a bit limited in that aspect however I do have good news.
My company is sending me to another physician for a second opinion. They believe the physician I got is a bit too conservative with who she allows to drive. If the physician believes I am okay to drive I can return to work next week. Thank you again for your detailed response and honesty.