Profile For Brian W

Brian W's Info

  • Location:
    Weirton , WV

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

  • Social Link:
    Brian W On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 8 months ago

Brian W's Bio

Upon graduating high school, I went straight into the military for @10.5 years of which I served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Upon receiving my Honorable Discharge, I entered into a career in law enforcement and have recently retired after 20 years. I obtained a student loan went to a community college and earned my Cdl A license and obtained endorsements of Hazmat, Tanker , Doubles and Triples. I have a wife of 26 years and two teen age daughters. I am in my early to mid 50’s and In total I have been in public service for 31 years and need a change and always enjoyed driving and I’m still too young to sit back on my back side thus is the reason I went and earned my commercial license. Through my “ research “ and common sense I knew that being a new driver there was not going to be any local driving gigs out there unless I was extremely lucky and that was reaffirmed when I went back and did a review right after I did retire and of course the old saying still holds true” need experience “ or “recent verifiable experience “ so I am looking forward to the adventures that are ahead.

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Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Schneider driver orientation

Hello everyone it has been a while ago since I posted last .I have reached my 6 month mark and I would tell anyone that might be interested in Schneider dedicated that it is a good company to start with or even to stay in the long term . For family reasons my family and I have decided to switch to another company that has the Walmart Dedicated near me. I have researched and spoken to a couple (new company )employees indirectly and their feedback was good so we shall see. When I first started 6 months ago I went through and passed Schneider Orientation in Carlisle Pa. and started driving on the Cabelas account which was a good learning experience like driving by NYC and on the GW bridge, Jersey City Jersey as well as other places similar . The ops. Teams that I had while at Schneider were top notch . I based my decision on my family dynamics, new company benefits ( little cheaper) and pay which I would tell anyone don’t base you decision solely on pay because there’s a lot more to a company than just that there is other perks that are valuable as well and could offset one of the pre mentioned issues except family . I think one important note is any place is what one makes of it. Everyone stay safe. God Bless.

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Schneider VTL Orientation 2021

Hey Dean, I know your busy so I’ll keep it short. What kind of backing did you do ? I got the hang of it just as I got through school and it’s been 4 months since. I’ll be heading up to Carlisle in five days, I’m excited but seem to be getting a few jitters as the day gets closer. Thanks , stay safe .

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Schneider VTL Orientation 2021

Hey Dean, Congrats on the passing of your test, Wish you the best of luck while out with your TE and beyond. I’ll be leaving Monday the 1 st. for Carlisle and on my own sometime towards the end of the month and Cabelas dedicated.

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Schneider VTL Orientation 2021

Hey Dean R., Just to introduce my , Brian W. , here . Just wanted to ask where is your orientation at? I’m getting ready to leave for Carlisle in a couple of weeks. I find your imput very informative and will continue to read as I am wanting to get a realistic idea of what I’ll be looking at and to get any “nice to know” things to help in my preparation. Thanks in advance, I’ll keep in touch.

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Schneider driver orientation

Just checking in to see if anyone that has recently been through orientation for Schneider in Carlisle Pennsylvania and could provide “in detail “ about things such as types of backing, slow maneuvering, pre trip, road driving exc... I’m just trying to get a feel for on what to expect, what one does each day ,starting the first day and anything that would be a good to know that know one sometimes doesn’t mention. I’m heading there on the first of the month and wanted to start getting everything in order . I’ll be driving Cabela’s dedicated after orientation; checked into the details of the account and they fit with my personal and family dynamics so I’m not naive and don’t have any unreasonable expectations . I I know not all surprises can be accounted for but I like to try and obtain any pre knowledge about things as possible so as to limit as many surprises as possible and to have some understanding of places, routes, destinations exc.. before I get there. I would appreciate any up to date information, recent tips, advice, nice to know things, exc.. Thanks to all in advance, stay safe, and most importantly keep trucking !

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Best companies for new drivers

Hello to everyone, it’s been a long time since I posted last. I really do appreciate the comments/advice in response to my entry a year and a half ago on which company was good for a new driver to start out with although I didn’t say thank you back then. I have been retired now for a little over 4 months now and am nervous but excited about the new lifestyle change that will soon be coming my way. There was two good Cdl schools within 10 minutes of where I live but only one accepted student loans so I had to go with that one. A Cdl A class was starting the last week of August 2020 and my retirement was the first of September, the next available class didn’t start for another five-6 weeks so I used some vacation time as I really wanted to get into the August class because the school had to limit the number of students to each class because of COVID restrictions. My local Dmv was by appointment only with a back back log and in order to receive my test cards for my permit and endorsements I would have to wait two weeks to receive them through the mail after sending in all my required documents so I jumped into my pickup and drove three and a half hours to my state’s capital and the main Dmv and walked out with everything I needed after twenty five minutes for the return trip home. I had to drive another two and a half hours on a different day to another city ,to submit my fingerprints after I registered and did what I had to do online so that I could take my hazmat endorsement test;It all worked out and I was able to take my Cdl A permit which I passed the first try as well as all my endorsements ( did a lot of pre studying) and was able to get into the August class and graduated in October. I have spent the last four months researching local companies but in no success because of no experience although I knew that it was going to be a miracle if I did find something local. The closest was a dock to driver position for twelve months before getting on as a full time driver so I continued looking but expanded to the big companies. First I would like to pass on to anyone considering driving as a career ; I did research many of local companies and can verify that unless one has some experience, one’s chances of getting hired are pretty slim if non existent. With that said my wife and I sat down and discussed this fact and agreed that one of the big companies was where I would have to start with , and earn the experience and prove myself, which I have no problems in doing. So I went back and updated my research and again for my particulars that pertained to my specific circumstances, I submitted everything with Schneider because they were the only one that had something close to the homestead. I was able to get onto the Cabela’s dedicated account which covers twelve states , 2400 weekly miles , .37 /mi. Until I believe the six month mark , then @ .41/mi.., one - two drop offs per load, home once a week, tuition reimbursement, this covers the highlights. This was ok with me , I wasn’t expecting to start out on the top of the pay scale and I have a pension check coming in already so I’m focusing on learning from a good safety oriented company to build a good solid foundation in a new career , sort of like building a house, the house is only solid if the foundation is. I head out the first of February to start company orientation/training in Carlisle Pennsylvania which is a three and a hal hour drive but the drive doesn’t bother me. I have already started to study Schneider’s Pre-Trip and research locations of some of the Cabela’s to get an idea of how to get in and out . I don’t like surprises but I am aware that one has to be adaptable. I love to learn and train new things. I’m also prepared for the ruff first year after spending ten and a half years in the military and twenty in law enforcement. I really look forward to reading any and all tips and advice from everyone. Thanks.

I don’t like waiting until the last minute so I have started to do my research on which are the best truck companies for new drivers even though I’m retiring from my current job next summer. I can go either way paid Cdl training or tuition reimbursement. I would like to be home once a week and for important dates like daughters graduations exc... I researched the internet but there’s only so much info. You get back and the truck companies are like military recruiters, they tell you what you want to hear to get you to sign up with them and I know there are good and bad where ever one may go so I figured if I want to get some of the “inside scoop” if you will, I should talk to the men and women that make it happen and that’s the drivers. I live in the Northern Panhandle of Wv. and safety and doing things right the first time is important to me. I came up with a list of trucking companies that hire new drivers: Roehl, Schneider, US. Express, Cr England, and Transport America and out of those I cut it down to two: Roehl and Schneider. Which one would or is the better? I would appreciate as much insight as possible to help in which one I may go with. Thanks in advance and thanks to all the drivers out there already .

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Hello to everyone, I’ll start by introducing myself , JB. I have spent 10.5 yrs. in the military some of which was Desert Storm and I just recently retired after 20 years in the law enforcement field , I did have a Class B @22 yrs. ago and drove a 24 ft. Manual Box truck For 2 yrs. . I already have a start date for Cdl school to obtain my Class A and already have my permit which included Air brakes and combination and a test date to obtain my Dbl&Triple,Tanker & Hazmat endorsements just prior to starting school. I know I’ll be starting over again at the bottom of the Seniority list and the boss at home wants me home every night but I know that is pretty darn near impossible unless I go with an LTL company but even starting out will probably be away a few days at a time , at least until I can get some seniority under my belt . I’m not one to job hop so I would like to find an LTL company that would give me the opportunity right after school that is a good one to work for as I would like to stay with them for the long term . I live approx. 30 minutes from Pittsburgh, Pa.. If anyone can offer any advice or help , it would greatly be appreciated.

Posted:  5 years, 8 months ago

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Best companies for new drivers

I don’t like waiting until the last minute so I have started to do my research on which are the best truck companies for new drivers even though I’m retiring from my current job next summer. I can go either way paid Cdl training or tuition reimbursement. I would like to be home once a week and for important dates like daughters graduations exc... I researched the internet but there’s only so much info. You get back and the truck companies are like military recruiters, they tell you what you want to hear to get you to sign up with them and I know there are good and bad where ever one may go so I figured if I want to get some of the “inside scoop” if you will, I should talk to the men and women that make it happen and that’s the drivers. I live in the Northern Panhandle of Wv. and safety and doing things right the first time is important to me. I came up with a list of trucking companies that hire new drivers: Roehl, Schneider, US. Express, Cr England, and Transport America and out of those I cut it down to two: Roehl and Schneider. Which one would or is the better? I would appreciate as much insight as possible to help in which one I may go with. Thanks in advance and thanks to all the drivers out there already .

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