Profile For James W.

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    5 years, 7 months ago

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Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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160 Driving Academy and signing with Werner. thoughts?

I am considering the 160 Driving Academy and going with Werner as my sponsor. Will have to drive for them for 1 year to pay the debt back. I haven't really heard anything in regards to pay yet but would like to pick the route which will pay the most even though I'm certain that means little home time for quite some time. Was wondering if anyone here has done this or work/worked for Werner. Any information on this would be appreciated.

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Crap Companies

I was perusing through YouTube and I saw a gentleman who makes videos called "Crap Companies" or something like that. I mean this guy was naming: Swift, US Xpress, PAM, Schneider, Western Express, USA Truck, etc. You name it, this guy has a myriad of videos talking about how terrible these companies are.

How would he know that? There's no way you worked for all these companies.

As someone who isn't even technically a rookie yet I thought it was very toxic to be making things like this. And unfortunately, many people in the comments were thanking this man for "warning" them.


I'm with you on this, CeCe. I'm looking at a career change and considering the move to trucking. I run into so much negativity out there. I have a good friend who was a trucker for 12 years and he just says check out everything because there is a lot of negative things about this line of work. He says the best place to find out the scoop is on forums with guys who do this and know. Which is why I joined up here.

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