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In CDL School
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Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Need Help With A Skill Performance Evaluation
So, did you ever make it to Trucking School. What was the outcome? I am an amputee on my left foot and the doctor who did my DOT physical didn't seemed concerned with that. I am worried it is going to jam me up when I goto find a job. I take my CDL licence test on August 12th, 2019. I would appreciate your story and how it turned out. Thank you
So. I tried to goto a trucking school, and due to me getting a shoulder replacement in my right arm I can only lift my arm to 50 degrees in front and to the side so they told me I have to get an SPE ( skilled performance evaliation) to even start or get my permit. I live in Los Angeles CA. And I can't seem to find anyone that doesn't have there head up their but and able to give me info on where to go to a ortho doctor that even knows what I'm talking about. Then it states I need a qualified cdl holder to verify I can operate truck safely. Has anyone had an SPE done? And if so any and all advice would be great
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Former Driver, current amputee🤪 is trying to get back into Proffesional Truck Driving
Hi, let me start by saying thank you for accepting me to this forum and truckingtruth.com. I really like the articles and company reviews in addition to the posts on the forum boards here. Really inspiring!
Let me get right to it... I’m currently in a CDL training course, I’ve got my permit and all my endorsements, and my hazmat background check is in the process. Should be done by the time I finish training and acquire my CDL. I am a freelance audio engineer and musician, well I’m a drummer... not sure if that qualifies as being a musician. Lol. As some of you know, those jobs don’t pay much and offer no job or financial security. And don’t offer any “job history”. I haven’t punched a clock in 15 years. All I have is my portfolio containing my body of work.
This brings me to my next point. I am an amputee. I lost my left foot in a motorcycle accident back in 2004. At the time I was a driver on Schneider’s dedicated GM account out of Rancho Cucamonga, California. I was approaching my two years of experience when I had this accident, ironically driving home from work. Long story short; I was unable to return to work because I was seriously injured and nearly died. I spent over a year in physical therapy and occupational therapy... lots of medical stuff that I won’t bore you guys with the details. I really haven’t worked a regular job since except for a brief one year job as a case manager at mental health clinic in Mojave’s. Found out real quick that wasn't for me... never was one that understood people’s excuses of why they can’t. Whatever that may be.
I’m sorry this is so long but I don’t want to leave you all confused... anyway I was able to draw my social security and Medicare and still do to this day. I’m grateful for that because it helped my family and I when we needed it the most. However, there is no future in collecting a check and everything stays the same. I’m in a good situation now, after several surgeries and modifications I am really doing well physically. It’s like I’m not even an amputee anymore, that’s how good I get around now.
I’m 50 years old and in good shape and I am determined to get back to driving professionally. I’ve got my D.O.T. Physical card and it says I’m fit to drive. However, it doesn’t mention that I’m an amputee even though I put it on the form to apply for the physical. Very curious... but whatever at this point, I’ll have to tell any companies I apply to about it as it must be disclosed according to DOT regulations. Not a deal killer by any means but definitely an added barrier. But I’d still be driving if I wouldn’t have been in the MC accident in the first place. Being a freelance audio engineer and drummer working on mostly local projects and playing bar cover bands doesn’t exactly help either.
I’m sorry again, didn’t mean to write a damn book... oh my! My questions are these:
What companies are willing to hire people with so called “disabilities” (mine is real unfortunately, but doesn’t hold me back) and would be leaneant on the work history question. I’m already committed to this and really want to make this happen. End my working years in prosperous and honorable manner not just scrounging for a buck when I can make it.
Any advise would be welcomed even the stuff I don’t want to hear. Btw I live in California where there is a lot of trucking. I would really like to become an O/O after a few years of relearning the job, maybe sooner.
Thank you in advance for any insight or experiences you might share with me.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Above the knee amputee wants to drive again
So, what happened man? I am in a similar boat but I am a BK amputee and can drive a manual. I go into the DMV 8/12/19 for my road and skills test for my CDL. The doctor that did the physical for my medical card did not seem to worry about my amputation. Very strange indeed. I would really like to hear the outcome for you and the process. I don't think I need the SPE if I'm driving fuel or rock or cement locally. I live in So. California so all those commodities are extracted here and don't cross state lines. However, I want to go OTR. I was a driver for Schneider 2002 - 2004 until I too was in an accident. I hope your still around and haunting this formum. It's been a real tough go to get any information from anyone other than I need an SPE. Thanks in advance