Profile For Angela H.

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    5 years, 6 months ago

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Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

I was a stay at home mom for 15 years then I started going through a divorce. I got a job at a TA (I was a lot lizard... just kidding but funny when I say that to people and their expressions are like WHAT?!?) I was a service writer. Y'all know... the people who get blamed because your truck blew a tire 50 miles before you ever got to us lol. Anyway I worked grave yard shift and it was usually slow. Most nights I would sit in the doorway and watch trucks come and go and always wonder where they had been and where they were going... so I decided to become a driver and find out!

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Handicap truck parking spaces???

I have MS. When walking my balance gets off, especially when it's hot. Some days it feels like as soon as I open my door and the heat hits me, it takes away every ounce of energy I have. I also have "foot drop" which is where my left foot won't always pick up like it's supposed to when I'm walking so it causes me to stumble and occasionally fall. I know other drivers see me walking around and think im beyond drunk and then I drive away. Im truly surprised I haven't had the police called on me lol. I also can't walk very far, regardless of the weather, without being completely exhausted. Those are the reasons I have a handicap placard. Before I became disabled I used to also wonder how someone can be disabled and drive a truck. I figured out out the hard way...

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