Profile For David M.

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Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Information About CR England

I really want to go with CR England and work for them. I want to know what you veterans of the trucking industry think about them. If that’s ok and possible😀

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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*New driver*

I highly appreciate all the help information and advise I really need it. I understand that the internet is a weird place my poppa always said never trust info on the web. This was a lot of help and I will make sure I ask as many questions as possible before I choose a company in three months. I’m a security officer and I signed a year contract stating I will stay at the post till the contract ends and it ends in three months I’m honestly very excited to start this career I’m a single man no kids my driving record is prestine and I’m registered with the bsis and department of justice I’m also a corrections card holder. I have never been in trouble and I feel like I would be a great candidate for this job 😀


I just want to work for a good company that won't jip me every day.


Hello David, and welcome to trucking, where confusion and misinformation claim the throne!

We all understand your second guessing your first choice. We've all been there. Here's the deal. You are new to this. All you've really got to go on is the information you glean from the internet. Unfortunately that information is tainted and frankly, it's prejudiced.

Let me explain. Trucking isn't an easy career to get started. It's a complete lifestyle change. Most people think they're just changing jobs or careers, but when they realize they are changing their whole lifestyle it just gob-slaps them right in the face. They aren't prepared, and they lose out on a wonderfully rewarding career. They honestly don't even know what hit them. Then they start blaming the company that graciously gave them a chance to prove their worth in a challenging/rewarding working environment.

Everything in trucking is performance based. That's why you'll get paid by the mile instead of by the hour. Productive people prosper in trucking. People who can't produce suffer in trucking. It's those suffering souls who lay out all kinds of criticism of companies like C.R. England. Are you aware that company has a long list of "Milliom Miler" drivers? Reaching that milestone is a major accomplishment in trucking, and is managed only by the best drivers. You won't find any of C.R. England's "Million Miler" drivers on the internet bad mouthing the company. Why is that so? Because they took ownership of their own responsibilities and performed well at a really challenging job.

Everytime you read these lousy reviews of a trucking company you have to look at it through a lens that shows you the complaining driver is basically showing you how much he misunderstood the industry, and how poor his performance as a driver was.

Let me give you my personal experience. I started my career at Western Express. Go ahead, try to find a positive internet review on them - you'll be hard pressed to find one. I did really well there, and earned some great money. During that time they were hiring almost 150 drivers per week. They had to because that's how many were quitting each week. All these non producers were slamming them on the internet. Seriously, it sounded like the devil himself was running the company! I loved it over there, and got treated like a king. It was all because I made things happen out here - I got things done. That's what trucking is all about.

Hang around with us a little and you'll learn a ton of valuable lessons. We can teach you how to succeed at this. Trust me, success in trucking has nothing to do with the name of the company on the doors of your truck. I'm not advising you to jump right in with C.R. England. I am advising you to hang around with us a little, and ask lots of questions. We can and will point you in the right direction.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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*New driver*

Hello everyone and good evening. I'm very very new to the trucking industry I don't have my cdl yet. Im having a hard time finding a good company to start with I was thinking bout CR ENGLAND but recent news had me change my mind. Anybody happen to know of any good companies to stay out with? I'll pay for the cdl if I have too I just want to work for a good company that won't jip me every day. Thank you in advance 😀

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