Phoenix, AZ
Driving Status:
Rookie Team Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Woot woot excellent job on fuel mileage!! I am happy for your success.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Got bucked off the bronco (I flipped), taking some time to recover, and getting back in the saddle!
Whoops, I didn't mean to keep everyone in edge! Lol.
To follow up, I was just cleared to return to normal duty today. As friendly as everyone is around here, I'm just itching to get back out on the road, lol. However, I have always approached safety in general with respect. Despite reviewing the incident footage and going over the circumstances endless times, I'm positive that there was still some kind of warning sign I might of missed. I look forward to trying to be even more observant of everything around me and to respect the road and mother nature now more than ever.
But in the end, I am not beating myself up over it anymore. I'm not going to lie, I was kind of in a funk over the past few weeks with some survivors guilt as my team driver was more injured than I was. The only thing I can do from here is take this as a learning opportunity that I got extremely lucky (a bit unlucky) and just leave it at that.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm still alive
Once you update your state of residence, are you going to do a company sponsored training program?
Posted: 5 years ago
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Got bucked off the bronco (I flipped), taking some time to recover, and getting back in the saddle!
Thank you all for your sympathy and words of encouragement. Nothing fun or exciting to report on my end. Just finished some PT. Excited for tomorrow as I am catching a flight to finally get some home time. In the mean time, it is rest and recovery.
Points were deducted for not blocking the entire road
Also, LOL! At least if it had to happen, I am on this side of it, you know?
Posted: 5 years ago
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Got bucked off the bronco (I flipped), taking some time to recover, and getting back in the saddle!
Friends; I appear to have danced with death and have come out alive on the other side. We were driving by Philly on the PA turnpike when a freak tornado/wind event blew us over. Not only did we flip, but we were also on top of a tall overpass. I don’t want to think about all the possibilities of being a few inches left or right, but it is still there.
While I was driving, suddenly and without warning, a wall of white appeared in front of me. I’ve driven through heavy rain, snow, and wind, but have never seen or want to see anything like it again. This wall was as loud as a train and the moment itself is one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had. After arriving on the scene, paramedics said they had received an emergency alert to seek shelter immediately due to a tornado a few minutes before getting the call about an overturned tractor trailer.
Currently, I am waiting in Springfield waiting until Wednesday. I had originally scheduled time to be home sometime this week, so once I get the accident stuff out of the way I should be able to go home as originally planned.
Because of the freak nature of the event, I am not disqualified from driving for Prime. In other circumstances, knowingly driving through dangerous weather is grounds for termination. I loved what I was doing and saw it as a great opportunity to provide for my family. I am not even sure I should consider this event at all because of how random it was, but now that it has definitely happened it will lead to some soul searching.
I was knocked out for a bit and my back is hurting something fierce when I turn, but Prime has been great about scheduling visits with a physician and I already started a few rounds of physical therapy. My co-driver was not so lucky; he was in the sleeper and fractured his collarbone. He will be out at least a month or more. Myself, my family is worried about my safety. As I mentioned here and to them, this was such an out of the ordinary accident, I won't even consider this being due to trucking, but a literal act of God.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Upgrading then hometime with prime inc
Congratulations! I have been out since just before Christmas with orientation, PSD, and just starting TNT. Going home in 10 days though, so at least I have that to look forward to!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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As others have mentioned, the CB chatter is definitely sparse. Might want to consider something like a ham radio. Might not just get truckers, but the community seems more active.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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The TruckingTruth Meet Up Thread
I've been in Springfield MO the past few days and am leaving tomorrow! Might be a little late, though. Lol
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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If I go out of state to Company sponsored will my OR CDL permit be accepted
Same with Prime. I had to get my AZ CDL permit first and then I tested in Salt Lake. I have to go back to AZ to get my actual CDL though but they upload it to a database called CSTIMS (I think, lol). Currently on a detour through Springfield, Missouri because I had to take my physical again and have them download the data and connect to my CPAP machine.
In regard to your waiting period, yeah idk about that. Let us know if you find any solution! I wonder if the waiting period is exclusive to Oregon testing you. For example if you tested and passed in another state, I wonder if Oregon would then issue you a CDL. I would contact the Oregon DMV to find that out.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Sleep Apnea..Don’t mess around with it
After learning about the dangers of sleep apnea, I feel like I've become a CPAP evangelist, lol. I feel like there is a stigma to being lame and sounding like Darth Vader with the machine, but some of the health conditions that sleep apnea is linked too are downright scary. Besides obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, your heart can become enlarged due to having to work harder. You put strain on all your organs.
It took me a bit to get used to it as well. Slightly TMI, but I do sleep with my mouth open so I use the full face mask. I just tighten that bad boy up and then sleep on my side as I found it hard to sleep on my back.