Profile For Victor H.

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Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Information About CR England


Old School, would you happen to know if Schneider does that same sorta team driving gig like CR England for new people?


No sir. Schneider has a unique training program. It's much more abbreviated than the others. It's actually a very good program. It's concentrated and concise, but if they feel you aren't catching on, they will provide additional training for you. We have several Schneider drivers in here. Hopefully they can give you a heads up about their experience.

Thanx, sir, I somehow have this "warm-and-fuzzee" feeling about the Schneider corporation. their "Career Paths" program with advertised commitment to switch seasoned drivers over to non-driving positions within the firm seems 2 give me good vibes. Schneider National doesn't seem like an outfit that will have their drivers drive until they die of old age ; these are rumors I've been picking up from one or more other truck forum sites :-)

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Information About CR England


I really want to go with CR England and work for them.


Hey David, that's great, but it doesn't give us much to go on. Can you elaborate on what it is about them that attracts you? I've heard people say things like, "I like their logo," or, "Their recruiter was really encouraging me to sign up right away." Of course neither of those are good reasons to start with a certain company.

You'll probably be pulling a refrigerated trailer for C.R. England. Is that something you've thought about? You will be required to do some team driving with them at first. Are you prepared for that? Have you even considered what it might be like to live in a space the size of a large closet with a complete stranger for weeks at a time?

You're not even ready to start now because you have other commitments. Take the time to seek out information here with us. There's a lot of great trucking companies that will be willing to give you a shot. You've got time to look and learn. That's what you should focus on right now.

Old School, would you happen to know if Schneider does that same sorta team driving gig like CR England for new people? I just absolutely hate having roommates with a passion and more so in such tight quarters as a sleeper berth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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