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40 y.o. french with one dream: live in my truck in USA

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Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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Requirement for european truck drivers

Thanks fot all your replies. Now i'd like to know how i can get the CDL while i'm not US citizen. Do i need a work visa or a student visa because i'll need to learn the job and if i get the CDL's equivalent here in France the European licence C and EC (C for trucks between 7800 pounds and 16500 pound and EC for truck over 16500 pounds , limited at 44 metric tons) it will be easier for me to find a job as truck driver in USA Here (only in France) there's 20 job offers as truck driver everyday, but the european regulations for trucks are awfull (that's why i don't want to drive across EU). for example: Forbidden to drive a vehicule over7800 pounds from saturday 10pm until sunday 10pm with a fine of 3750€ (unless your transporting fuel or perishable goods) Continuous driving is limited to 4h30 driving time with 45 mm of break to be distributed in one or more times (minimum 15 mm) during this period. Daily driving is limited to a maximum of 9 hours with possible derogation for 10 hours of driving 2 days per week. Trucks are electronically limited at 53mph (87km/h) the penalty for excessive speed is a licence withdrawal in addition to a large fine. There's no borders but there's more than 20 different languages accross Europe (german, italian, spanish, portugese, polish, danish, swedish etc...) and few people speaks english (and in UK they drive on the wrong side of the road and in few days they will leave EU) France is as big as Texas and the biggest EU country so european truck drivers often cross several countries (different local rules, different languages, different lifestyles etc...) If i come in USA things will be easier (only one language, freer regulations, bigger roads, same lifestyle) In short I want to become a trucker in the USA and i'd like to know how to realise my dream.

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

I did a loooooot of things (small precision for those who don't know i'm french): -warehouseman -painter -mover - a lot of small jobs (sometimes half-day or sometimes full day contracts from 20 to 27 years old) -paramedic (from 27 to 28 years old and from 35 to 39 years old) -school transportation for children and teenagers with disabilities (my longest professional experience from 28 to 35) during the last 10 years i drove nearly 70'000 miles (100'000km) each year I went for professional reason in :Paris Bordeaux Grenoble Tours Blois Orleans Poitiers Nantes etc...(6 days a week paid only 800 € each month) France is a nice and big country but too small for me. If there's something which can describe me it's: the need for driving today i'm 39 and i need a full-time job until i'll retire and i think i can do that while i realise a common dream i have with my father (he drove a truck during 35years): to drive an eighteen wheeler in USA.

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Requirement for european truck drivers

Hi everybody I'd like to become a truck driver in USA but i'm french and i'd like to know if european trucks driver's licences are valid in USA and to know how to validate these licences in USA. Is it better for me to obtain the CDL in USA or to obtain its equivalent in europe and validate it in USA?

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