Profile For Joel D.

Joel D.'s Info

  • Location:
    Austin , TX

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 5 months ago

Joel D.'s Bio

Family man. looking for a new career. I want to succeed at this!

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Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

Now that’s just plain f***d up! Why would anyone do that to a fellow drive I don’t know. That just adds to the pressure you guys are already under to perform your jobs correctly and effectively.

While you're asleep it's also possible somebody has messed with your equipment for their own sick enjoyment.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

Now this seems to me to be honest and true. But kinda illegal. I’m not sure a newbie driver would be comfortable doing this. I know you’re not suggesting this. This would come more from an experienced driver who has a lot of mike to drive and being relied on more heavily from the company he/or she works with.

Of course, a driver could...ahem... hypothetically perform a thorough pre-trip before starting the clock. Once satisfied that the truck is in good operating condition, he could then log on duty for the obligatory pre-trip time, thus avoiding the snafu of a ticking 14 while waiting for service. It's still illegal, but I bet a lot of drivers do this.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

I’ll check him out thanks Susan.

Joel, if you do Facebook, I highly recommend that you follow officer Brent Hoover on the Indiana Commercial Vehicle Enforcement page. He's actually a really good guy and will answer any questions you may have without judgement. His mission is to educate and help drivers.. believe it or not. Indiana also happens to be very "by the book " when it comes to commercial vehicle enforcement.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

Now I know next to nothing about any of this but that sounds correct to me.

Please, dear Prime drivers.. protect yourself and log your pretrip as on duty. Its required by federal regulations.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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My jacket!

Fair play Donna!! Well done

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

So recaps are something that can help extend your drive time, if you needed it.?

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Questions About Prime PSD Training

I don’t think you can beat real world practice, in my humble opinion. Of course I haven’t actually done any truck driving yet, but I would guess at least for me, that’s how I would learn best.


Were you given an opportunity to practice backing at truck stops and customers, or did you practice mostly on a pad? What did you find most helpful?

As a recent PSD student, what kind of method did you use to learn pre trip, 40? I wrote it out, section by section, several times. I'd go over it in my head during walks and before I fell asleep. It was easy once I had an actual truck to demonstrate on. Different methods work for different people. It would be useful to know how other people learned.

Were you given an opportunity to practice backing at truck stops and customers, or did you practice mostly on a pad? What did you find most helpful?

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

So as I understand stand it, in any 24 hour period, you have 14 hours of on duty time,11 of which can be driven, but no more than that. After which you have to take a ten hour break to reset your 14. Is that right?

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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The Life Of A Dedicated Driver

Not bored me at all. On the contrary, I find it very interesting what you and guys like you do for a living. And like you say regional can mean doing many miles almost as if you were doing otr. Just maybe in a shorter time frame.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Still struggling to understand HOS

Well I’m going to keep on trying to understand how HOS works, because it is interesting. I love the thought of managing your time but at the same time it does feel very much like an alien concept to me coming from a kitchen cook background which is what I currently do for a living. But saying that everyone in life manages their time to a certain degree, but trucking seems to take it to another level.

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