Montgomery, AL
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Petit Theft Charge Will I still get hired?
Welcome to the forum.
The short answer? Without knowing much more about it, you need to get this resolved before applying to any company. Regardless if you actually did this or not, sounds like you took flight to evade the possibility of arrest and legal process...is that what happened? Regardless, if you do not disclose it, they will find it and likely DQ your application for dishonesty.
Realize that it's likely you will be competing with and compared to applicants that have a clean record void of legal complications. Trucking companies are risk averse, and will almost always take the path that aligns with that strategy. Right now, you are a risk.
Please give us more details and possibly the mind-share available on this forum will come-up with something better.
Good luck.
Hi I had another post I posted in the wrong place I think. Anyway, The incident is from 12 years ago in a sporting goods store. I do not remember the incident - honestly. They have my old tag number form my car and evidently my old address. No idea why it has taken this long to surface. My court date is October 10, 2019 and my cousin (the attorney) can appear on my behalf. I already quit my other job and can not afford to sit around waiting for this to finish up, which could be March or April, according to my cousin. So are you advising me to drop out of school until this is resolved? None of the back ground checks the school ran had it on there. Very frustrated.
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Petit Theft Charge Will I still get hired?
Hi Again Evidently this is from a Sporting goods store back home in Texas. It shows the amount is $70 and it is from 12 years ago. I have racked my brain and do not remember anything like this occurring but they have my old tag number and old address. My cousin (the attorney) said there has never been a warrant for my arrest. The first court date is now October 10, 2019 which my cousin can appear on my behalf. My cousin says it may be February or March before it is resolved and more than likely will be dismissed. I quit my other job already and need to work. I can not just sit back and wait for this to clear up.
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Petit Theft Charge Will I still get hired?
Hi I am new and in driving school. I have a Petty theft charge from years ago that has come back to haunt me. It is in a different state than I live in now, it does not show up on my record or background check from school. I found out about it because my family rents that old house to friends and they attempted to serve me again at that address. Can I still get hired with this pending charge? I have someone looking into this for me, my cousin is an attorney. He says these things can take months to go through the system. I am not sure if I should drop out of school until this is resolved. I am interested in advice from experienced drivers and those with legal knowledge.
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Petit Theft Charge Will I still get hired?
Hello again folks I am in truck driving school in Florida and the place I am staying at actually has 4 golf courses surrounding it. The facts my cousin has said were reported an individual driving a vehicle with my tag number on it had a fishing rod valued at 70.00. I have not taken anything in my life my record - driving and otherwise is clean. Except for this now! My cousin and I both believe this is a mistake, it just will take time to clear up. My name is Tim I posted the picture because it is the only one I have where I do not look like a bum and I actually am wearing a shirt. I used Admiral Blackbeard because some friends gave me that name while out on his boat a few years back and it stuck, Thought it would be fun to use it here.
I was asking for legitimate advice because the school is doing everything they can to keep me in school rather than drop out and return later. I thought seeking some truckers advice would be helpful. To those of you that had some constructive feedback - thank you. I wish all of you well.