Taos, NM
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Grew up in Florida, Moved to New Mexico (it's a state, not a country) when I was 19, was a firefighter and EMT for 4 years, (making terrible money but I loved the job) I have a young daughter who is my whole world, married to my loving wife, and have always been fascinated by trucks. I'm an open book. Have a question, just ask. No such thing as a stupid question! Stay safe!
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Great job, man, and great diary. I too want to go with Jim Palmer and have learned, I believe, from your posts that I can train in Springfield, MO for Jim Palmer instead of going to MT. (I live 90 miles north of Springfield). Do you happen to know if all test-takers get to test in a manual? I do not want the restriction.
Cowboy, I was the only one who tested in a manuel and the only reason was I had been out with my D seat trainer in a 10 speed. They did however tell all the other students that they could redo the test (just the driving test and maybe the backing test) at a later date to get the restriction removed. Hope this helps.
UPDATE!!! Merry Christmas everyone! I am currently home with the family until January 2nd. Once I get back on my trainer's truck I should have approximately 2 weeks or so before returning to Springfield to begin my solo week. Once that is complete, I will be a full fledged company driver. Since my last post, I left out a week before Thanksgiving with my new trainer and we have been running hard until yesterday that we got home for the holidays. I have learned so much in the past month or so and my brain is still trying to process some of it. This truck is an automatic 2018 Freightliner Cascadia as opposed to the 10 speed 2015 Freightliner Cascadia I was in with my previous trainer. Oh, I suppose I should clarify that I got a new trainer not because I was having problems with my first one, but simply because he was offered a job that gets him home to his family every night and he could not pass it up. Going from the 10 speed to an auto is kinda nice cause you dont need to concentrate on shifting, but the jake brake is deffinately something I am struggling to get used to. The transmission has a tendancy to shift wheather you want it to or not, but thats why I'm out training. I am loving the job so far, but I am also super happy to be home and get to spend time with the family. My next update will probably be after I get to Springfield to start my solo week because running as a team doesn't leave me much time as I'm either driving or sleeping. Hope you all are still enjoying the updates. Stay safe everyone, and once again, Merry Christmas to you all! Matt
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Being home for a few days is amazing. Missed the family so much. Especially this little one. :-) stay safe everyone. Matt
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Starting on my path to a career in trucking!
As someone who also has experience (though not as much as yours) in fire/EMS (4 years with countless MVSs, tons of med calls, and 23 working structure fires (two of them commercial buildings), you will do fine. Not sure if you went through the EMT course but that test was a heck of a lot more stressful to me than my CDL test. I took it yesterday and did pretty well. I opted for Wilson Logistics and have loved my choice. That being said, your company was also on my short list. I very interested in seeing how it goes for you. Everyone on here will tell you the same thing. Take your time, relax, enjoy it, and listen to the trainers. You're going to do fine brother. Also, don't break the #1 rule of trucking, "Don't hit s***." Unless your one of the trainers i had who (jokingly of course) said, "Just back up till it sounds expensive." Lol stay safe brother.
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Hey guys. So... I passed!!! Drew the full pre-trip and the 90° alley dock. Got 87 out of a possible 90 right on the pre-trip, didn't get any points taken off on the backing, and took 20 points driving because of a couple bad habits that I will be working on. Oh, and I tested in a 10 speed so I don't have the restriction. I'm getting ready to bus back to NM till probably early next week so I can get my license and then my new trainer will be picking me up and we will start teaming. My examiner told me after I tested that h would team with me any day if he was still OTR so that gave me a nice confidence boost. Love that I'm going to get some home time and see my wife and our 3 year old little girl. But I'm going to get everything ready to go home. Everyone stay safe. Matt
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Thanks Army!
Sorry again for the delay. Haha I'm in Springfield again. Testing tomorrow. S far everyone seems to think that I'm going to pass on the for try. I feel pretty good about it, so unless I make a boneheaded mistake or screw up royally, I think I'm ok. And on the plus side, i am getting to test in a 10 speed! Super happy about that. Really didn't want the restriction. Wen out on the "this may or may not be the driving course you will yes on." with the main boss of training and he said I have to work on some minor things, but that I'm ready as far as my driving and air brakes tests go. So as long as I nail my backing, and pre-trip too I think I'll be golden. Wish me luck everyone. Also Bubb Rubb as he is testing tomorrow as well. He's got it pretty nailed down. Stay safe everyone. Matt
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Hey guys. Sorry for the delay I updates. We got out of the shop Monday and got a load Tuesday going to Compton stopped in ABQ two nights to fix my license and for me to practice shifting. Headed out an made California Thursday night and delivered Friday. Yesterday we got a load heading east and are now waiting for the next load. My trainer says I'm doing good so far. My shifting is improving and my backing is a lot better. We are hoping to get back to Springfield fir my test date Wednesday. I've been nailing my pre-trips too so I'm confident I can do this now. I'll try to keep the updates coming. Stay safe. Matt
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
What up Brian! Haha
Ok. So Friday we had gotten a load to take us through NM. Stopped for fuel in South East Colorado before picking up in Texas, and as soon as we get back on the interstate, BAM!!! A binder comes off a flatbed semi and takes out our hub seal. So we pulled off, roadside put a new hub seal but wanted to get us in the shop to do a full damage assessment. Ok. So they found damage on the hub assembly so they got a new one Friday and w would have been good to go on Saturday, but the threads that holds the hub nut on to the steering knuckle are messed up. So it is currently early Monday morning and we are still in the shop. They ordered the part and it should be in today, we are hoping to get underway this afternoon and get into NM so I can fix my license and start driving. So yeah, start of week #3 and things are not going my way, but nothing I can do about it except keep my head up and continue on because as we all know, S*** happens and a lot of it's out of our control. Stay safe everyone. Matt
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Week 2, day 3: should be back I New Mexico pretty soon to get my license fixed so I can start driving. My pre-trip inspection is coming along nicely. In cab and air brakes are what I need the most work on. Trainer seems to think I've already got it down pretty well, but the way I see it, it could always be better. My goal is to pass on the first try to earn him that bonus. Also the faster I pass, the faster we can get back out there and I can start actually making some money. Good luck to anyone else coming in. You've picked an awesome company. Stay safe everyone. Matt
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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My journey with Wilson Logistics/Jim Palmer
Quick update, my trainer and I are currently waiting to pick up a load tonight that gets us routed into Springfield for me to start my solo week. I'm excited but really nervous. My trainer seems to think I'm ready and will do fine. Hope he's right. I'll probably be in Springfield a couple of days at least getting some paperwork and other things out of the way and getting into my own truck. I don't wan to start a debate over what's better, but I'm really hoping to get a Freightliner and not a Peterbuilt. Only reason is I've been in nothing but Freights since I started. But either way, I'll be in my own truck. Stay safe everyone. Matt