Albany, GA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Western Express Flatbed Orientation Question
Hello. I got my CDL a little over a year ago and have OTR ever since. I wanted to go flatbed right out of the gate but didn't have the opportunity. Now I'm moving to Western who has extended me the invite to orientation and I'm supposed to be there a week from today. --- My question is: I live in South Georgia. I'm not that concerned about home time. I shoot for 4 days every 4-6 weeks, sometimes 6-8 weeks.i want to run all 48 states but I've read some reviews where drivers have said they got stuck in the northeast for extended periods. I DO NOT want regional. Do I need to make sure someone knows that? If so, who do I talk to?
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Western Express Flatbed Orientation Question
Thanks for the advice and the welcome. I'm really looking forward to flatbed as well as getting back out west! I haven't been west of Denver since March. Thanks again!