Profile For Jay F.

Jay F.'s Info

  • Location:
    Charlotte , NC

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 5 months ago

Jay F.'s Bio

41 years old currently driving a cement truck

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Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Getting Hired as a Gig Economy Worker

When I got my cdl I had done Uber lyft Amazon prime and ebay for 5 years. I first provided my 1099s then I provided screenshots of my weekly totals. I had no trouble getting hired. It might take a little more work on your end

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Opinions on Trans-tech Charlotte

I got my cdl at transtech in Newton. I have no complaints. I knew my record was clean and could get hired anywhere. I wanted to pay my way and not owe anyone anything for school, for 2800 bucks it was a great deal. Good instructors and good equipment. No complaints

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Looking for advice on whether or not to get into trucking

Where are you at in the southeast? Bobcat has some great advice. I wanted to do LTL but there just wasn’t any openings when I got my CDL. The dock workers for LTL make great money as well and most have dock to driver programs. Bobcat works for one of the best in OD. Southeastern is another great one, but honestly none of them are bad.

I have two small kids I hated being away from them, and OTR is a lifestyle not a job. I quickly learned it’s not for me. There’s a lot of Class B jobs that get you home every night that you can make north of 50K. My drivers will make 70k plus with overtime this year.

Thanks for the advice guys, I had heard a driver talking about how much he was making doing LTL on a podcast so I'll look into the companies around hear that do that. There are alot of trucking companies near where I live and a Ashley Furniture distribution plant about a mile from my house but I know for a fact they require 2yrs of tractor trailer experience for their line haul department.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Local story regarding TMC

TMC couldn’t be anymore clear about their grooming standards. When I went there we had a guy come in with dreadlocks. He was told on day one it wasn’t acceptable and was given a few days to get them cut. They also don’t allow crazy beards. TMC is a top notch company, but the founder is a retired marine. He wants his trucks and drivers to look at certain way. This man wanted to make this an issue. They make sure you know their appearance standards long before you leave for school or orientation

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Is majority big carriers taking new drivers with an automatic E restriction on cdl A?

I debated this very thing when going to school. Before I went I did a lot of Uber driving. We have 2 frieghtliner plants in the Charlotte area, and about once a month I would pick up a truck driver that delivers the new frieghtliner trucks across the country. All of them said the same thing. They rarely see new trucks with a manual. In fact the one guy told a funny little story. He got in a truck to deliver it, and it wouldn’t start. He goes in to talk to the mechanic to tell him the truck was broke down and the mechanic looked at him and said did you try pushing the clutch in. He said it was 7 months since his last manual and he just forgot.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Are all alcohol related violations treated the same?

Like Packrat said be thankful for a job. You’re basically starting over. Those prior 5 years don’t mean anything now that you have a DUI.

I do the hiring at my company. We are small so we aren’t self insured. I wanted to hire someone that had a 5 year old DUI, and the insurance company wouldn’t insure him

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Home Run Trucking (Xenia, Ohio)

I see home run trucks on a daily basis with my job. They deliver construction materials to new home sites. If that’s what you would be doing it’s a really bad idea for a new driver.

Number 2 these construction sites are crazy busy. You gotta be a wizard with that truck. I watch these guys struggle sometimes to find a place to drop their loads. Second the loads are odd shapes sometimes hanging a few feet over the side of the truck. You will have a hard enough time keeping a regular shape truck and trailer between the lines, let alone this truck. I drive a mixer and it’s hard enough getting it through these neighborhoods

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Runaway truck!



We were coming back from our weekend trip, and saw this on I-77 coming down out of Virginia into NC. I personally have need seen a truck so far up the ramp.


Fancy Gap?

Yep at mile marker 3

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Runaway truck!


We were coming back from our weekend trip, and saw this on I-77 coming down out of Virginia into NC. I personally have need seen a truck so far up the ramp.

Posted:  4 years, 7 months ago

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Dump truck experience?

Gotta keep trying. Here in Charlotte it’s doable. I drive a cement mixer, and hsd zero experience. I had an interview for driving a dump truck but decided to stay with the mixer for now. I think it depends on your area and demand. Here in Charlotte we can’t get drivers.

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